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Hello, everybody!

eMPF allows mail administrators to set messaging policies for their
local mail users by stating who can message who, and who cant message
who, and by setting domain-wide policies along with exceptions to that
policy.  This patch will of course be GPL, however, because of the
nature of the patch, we are not releasing it for immediate download.

If you are interested in signing up for the open-beta, please be aware
of the following requirements:

        Technically savvy enough to apply the patch, and compile with
        some very basic instructions

        A willingness to provide some feedback on problems encountered,
        pros & cons, and implementation ideas

        At least one mail server which sends and receives mail for both
        internal and external (accounts not hosted locally on the
        server) users

As an open-beta user, you should also be aware of the following thing:

        This software is beta, and though we've done our best to test
        it internally for any problems, it could break.

        Because we arent making the software immediately available for
        download just yet, we kindly ask open-beta testers not to
        re-distribute the patch to others.  However, feel free to pass
        this message on to other administrators who may be interested
        in being a part of the beta test.

If you're still interested, please subscribe to the eMPF mailing list
by sending an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED], and then send a short
message to the list with basic information about the mail server(s) you
wish to apply the patch to (number of user accounts, approximate mail
volume, etc).

If you're just interested in the development of eMPF, you may of course
subscribe to the list as well.  You arent required to take place in the

- --
~    Matt Brookings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       GnuPG Key 7D7E5F37
~    Software developer                     Systems technician
~    Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.     (815)776-9465
Version: GnuPG v1.2.6 (GNU/Linux)

  • [vchkpw] Inter7 announces eMail Messaging Policy Framew... Matt Brookings

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