[vchkpw] Maildrop and vpopmail

2005-02-18 Thread Matt Kern
I've got my maildrop filtering and .qmail-default setup close to how I 
want it, but there's some strangeness I'd like to work out still.  Most 
annoying is that when an incoming smtp connection references an account 
that does not exist I get the following in my maildrop log:

  BEGIN maildrop processing for [EMAIL PROTECTED] ===
VHOME is set to
VPOP is set to | /home/vpopmail/bin/vdelivermail '' bounce-no-mailbox
Date: Fri Feb 18 21:58:22 2005
From: Nikki Vogt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subj: :SPAM: re[16]
!Err: | /home/vpopmail/bin/vdelivermail '' bounce-no-mailbox 

=== END ===

What is the !Err signifying?  And is it going to the vdelivermail 
command on that error line as a result of $VPOP being the final 
exception in the mailfilter file?

How can I keep the !Err from being thrown and handle it cleanly?
Also, strangely, I *very* occasionally will get an error message like 
this in my qmail-send logs for a user that doesn't exist (the above 
message triggered one of the occasions).  The distinguishing factor with 
these emails that I've seen so far is that they are usually to an 
address that is a real account on the system, only truncated (i.e., gie 
vs. maggie)  Note, too, that I cannot recreate this intentionally, 
leading me to believe there is another factor involved besides the 
truncated account name:

2005-02-18 21:58:22.241245500 starting delivery 181: msg 3063895 to 
2005-02-18 21:58:22.241250500 status: local 1/10 remote 0/255
2005-02-18 21:58:22.285783500 delivery 181: deferral: 

The normal behavior is to show that !Err message in the maildrop logs, 
and then bounce the message according to $VPOP.

Finally, what could cause a log entry like this in my maildrop logs. 
Note the BEGIN twice in a row, and also that info doesn't exist while 
account does:

  BEGIN maildrop processing for [EMAIL PROTECTED] ===
  BEGIN maildrop processing for [EMAIL PROTECTED] ===
VHOME is set to
VPOP is set to | /home/vpopmail/bin/vdelivermail '' bounce-no-mailbox
Date: Fri Feb 18 22:51:23 2005
From: "elois fields" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subj: Medical Facts: Announcement
!Err: | /home/vpopmail/bin/vdelivermail '' bounce-no-mailbox

To recap what I'm trying to figure out:
1.  Why some accoungs seem to get stuck in the queue as undeliverable on 
rare occasion when the account does not exist, while other nonexistent 
accounts bounce as expected.

2.  If the !Err in my logs is avoidable, and instead I can find a way to 
have the logs show "File: | /home/vpopmail/bin/vdelivermail '' 
bounce-no-mailbox" as it does for accounts that do exist.

3.  What might cause the double BEGIN lines in my mailfilter logs?
Here be the relevant files:

| /home/vpopmail/qtrap/qtrap.sh
#| /home/vpopmail/bin/vdelivermail '' bounce-no-mailbox
| maildrop mailfilter


logfile "/var/log/maildrop-filter.log"
log "  BEGIN maildrop processing for [EMAIL PROTECTED] ==="
import EXT
import HOST
VPOP="| /home/vpopmail/bin/vdelivermail '' bounce-no-mailbox"
VHOME=`/home/vpopmail/bin/vuserinfo -d [EMAIL PROTECTED]
log "VHOME is set to $VHOME"
log "VPOP is set to $VPOP"
#if ( $SIZE < 262144 )
#   exception {
#   xfilter "/usr/bin/spamc -f -u [EMAIL PROTECTED]"
#   }
if (/^X-Spam-Status: *Yes/)
#try filtering it using user-defined rules
exception {
include $VHOME/Maildir/.mailfilter
#then try delivering it to a Spam Folder
exception {
# to "$VPOP"
to "$VHOME/Maildir/.Junk/"
exception {
to "$VPOP"
exception {
include $VHOME/Maildir/.mailfilter
exception {
to "$VPOP"
log "=== END ==="

Matt Kern

[vchkpw] maildrop and vpopmail/spamassassin

2003-05-31 Thread cyko
I'm running vpopmail 5.3.8 with spamassassin 2.55 (mysql for prefs).  I'm having
problems with maildrop performing a mailfilter I found on the vpopmail mailling
list. I am also using courier-imap in conjunction with qmail.

[see http://bluedot.net/mail/archive/read.php?f=2&i=10377&t=10377]

The .SPAM folder is not created, and I am left with the following error message:

2003-05-30 17:44:28.190244500 delivery 359: deferral:

If I manually perform the maildirmake .SPAM, then chown -R vpopmail:vchkpw
.SPAM, I get the same error.

In my ~vpopmail/domains/realirc.org/.qmail-default I have:

|preline /usr/local/bin/maildrop
|/usr/local/vpopmail/bin/vdelivermail '' bounce-no-mailbox

I'm doing it like this so I can just test it on one domain right now, so I don't
break the whole box, heh.

I had to slightly modify the script to fit my proper paths.  I renamed it to
maildroprc and placed it in /usr/local/etc (on a FreeBSD 5.0 machine) so it
reads it by default as stated by maildrop's man page.

Below is my maildroprc file:

import EXT
import HOST
import HOME
VHOME=`/usr/local/vpopmail/bin/vuserinfo -d [EMAIL PROTECTED]

if ((/^X-Spam-Flag:.*YES/))
  `test -d $VHOME/Maildir/.SPAM`
  if( $RETURNCODE == 1 )
 `maildirmake $VHOME/Maildir/.SPAM; chown -R vpopmail:vchkpw
  to "$VHOME/Maildir/.SPAM/"

The VPOP was omitted because of my previous statement of how vdelivermail is
called.  Below are the permissions for the files/dirs in question:

-rwxr-xr-x  1 root  mail  152696 May 29 00:44 /usr/local/bin/maildrop
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  388 May 30 17:42 /usr/local/etc/maildroprc

In /usr/local/vpopmail/domains:
drwx--   9 vpopmail  vchkpw  512 May 30 18:01 realirc.org

In /usr/local/vpopmail/domains/realirc.org:
-rw---  1 vpopmail  vchkpw  92 May 30 18:01 .qmail-default

In /usr/local/vpopmail/domains/realirc.org/cyko:
total 22
drwx--  8 vpopmail  vchkpw   512 May 30 17:46 .
drwx--  4 vpopmail  vchkpw   512 Apr 18 21:59 ..
drwx--  5 vpopmail  vchkpw   512 May 30 17:46 .SPAM  (**manually created**)
drwx--  5 vpopmail  vchkpw   512 May  1 22:37 .Trash
drwx--  5 vpopmail  vchkpw   512 May 30 17:30 .sent-mail
-rw-r--r--  1 vpopmail  vchkpw   241 May 30 16:57 courierimapuiddb
drwx--  2 vpopmail  vchkpw  1024 May 30 16:57 cur
-rw---  1 vpopmail  vchkpw  3054 May 30 16:56 maildirsize
drwx--  2 vpopmail  vchkpw   512 May 30 16:56 new
drwx--  2 vpopmail  vchkpw   512 May 30 17:33 tmp

total 10
drwx--  5 vpopmail  vchkpw  512 May 30 17:46 .
drwx--  8 vpopmail  vchkpw  512 May 30 17:46 ..
drwx--  2 vpopmail  vchkpw  512 May 30 17:46 cur
drwx--  2 vpopmail  vchkpw  512 May 30 17:46 new
drwx--  2 vpopmail  vchkpw  512 May 30 17:46 tmp

Any ideas are appreciated. Sorry for the immense amount of information.  I just
wanted to make sure I covered everything so I can resolve this quickly.

-Patrick Lahni

This mail sent through IMP: http://horde.org/imp/

RE: [vchkpw] maildrop and vpopmail/spamassassin

2003-05-31 Thread cyko
Quoting Benjamin Tomhave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> First, since the maildirmake is being called by vpopmail user in vchkpw
> group, you don't need to do the chown.
> Second, I don't think you need the preline command.
> Third, how is maildrop getting your mailfilter file if you never tell it
> where it is?  Or did you set it up as /etc/maildroprc?
> And so on...

In FreeBSD, I have it stored as /usr/local/etc/mailprocrc as stated in the
maildrop man page.

> my .qmail-default looks like:
> | maildrop ../mailfilter

Took out the preline, now I get this error message:

2003-05-30 18:36:38.233728500 delivery 484: deferral:

> and my mailfilter looks like:
> SHELL="/bin/bash"
> import EXT
> import HOST
> VPOP="| /home/vpopmail/bin/vdelivermail '' bounce-no-mailbox"
> VHOME=`/home/vpopmail/bin/vuserinfo -d [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> DUMMY=`test -d $VHOME/Maildir`
> if ( $RETURNCODE == 1 )
> {
>echo "Sorry, no mailbox here by that name. (#5.1.1)"
> }
> DUMMY=`test -d $VHOME/Maildir/.Spam`
> if ( $RETURNCODE == 1 )
> {
>DUMMY=`/usr/bin/maildirmake -f Spam $VHOME/Maildir`
>DUMMY=`echo Inbox.Spam >> $VHOME/Maildir/courierimapsubscribed`
> }
> if ( $SIZE < 262144 )
> {
> xfilter "/usr/bin/spamc -f -u [EMAIL PROTECTED]"
> }
> if (/^X-Spam-Status: *YES/)
> {
> to "$VHOME/Maildir/.Spam"
> echo "Message delivered to $VHOME/Maildir/.Spam"
> exit
> }
> else
> {
> to "$VPOP"
> exit
> }
> exit
> HTH,
> -ben

My filter now looks like this:

import EXT
import HOST
import HOME
VHOME=`/usr/local/vpopmail/bin/vuserinfo -d [EMAIL PROTECTED]

DUMMY=`test -d $VHOME/Maildir`
if ( $RETURNCODE == 1 )
   echo "Sorry, no mailbox here by that name. (#5.1.1)"

DUMMY=`test -d $VHOME/Maildir/.Spam`
if ( $RETURNCODE == 1 )
   DUMMY=`/usr/local/bin/maildirmake -f Spam $VHOME/Maildir`
   DUMMY=`echo Inbox.Spam >> $VHOME/Maildir/courierimapsubscribed`

if (/^X-Spam-Status: *YES/)
to "$VHOME/Maildir/.Spam"
echo "Message delivered to $VHOME/Maildir/.Spam"

if (/^X-Spam-Status: *NO/)

I slightly modified the end because I have your $VPOP variable called like this
in my .qmail-default file:

|/usr/local/vpopmail/bin/vdelivermail '' bounce-no-mailbox

The reason I'm doing it like this for now is because eventually I'm going to
append the maildrop to spamc using the -e trigger, that way the .qmail-default
of all my vdomains can easily be modified by qmailadmin without having to patch
anything.  By doing it the way I'm doing it now, it should only effect
realirc.org and not effect all the domains systemwide.

Any more suggestions?


> > -Original Message-
> > Sent: Friday, May 30, 2003 4:07 PM
> > To: vpopmail list
> > Subject: [vchkpw] maildrop and vpopmail/spamassassin
> >
> >
> > I'm running vpopmail 5.3.8 with spamassassin 2.55 (mysql for
> > prefs).  I'm having
> > problems with maildrop performing a mailfilter I found on the
> > vpopmail mailling
> > list. I am also using courier-imap in conjunction with qmail.
> >
> > [see http://bluedot.net/mail/archive/read.php?f=2&i=10377&t=10377]
> >
> > The .SPAM folder is not created, and I am left with the following
> > error message:
> >
> > 2003-05-30 17:44:28.190244500 delivery 359: deferral:
> > /usr/local/bin/maildrop:_Invalid_home_directory_permissions_-_worl
> d_writable./preline:_fatal:_unable_to_copy_input:> _broken_pipe/
> >
> > If I manually perform the maildirmake .SPAM, then chown -R vpopmail:vchkpw
> > .SPAM, I get the same error.
> >
> > In my ~vpopmail/domains/realirc.org/.qmail-default I have:
> >
> > |preline /usr/local/bin/maildrop
> > |/usr/local/vpopmail/bin/vdelivermail '' bounce-no-mailbox
> >
> > I'm doing it like this so I can just test it on one domain right
> > now, so I don't
> > break the whole box, heh.
> >
> > I had to slightly modify the script to fit my proper paths.  I
> > renamed it to
> > maildroprc and placed it in /usr/local/etc (on a FreeBSD 5.0
> > machine) so it
> > reads it by default as stated by maildrop's man page.
> >
> > Below is my maildroprc file:
> >
> >

[vchkpw] maildrop and vpopmail

2002-10-15 Thread erti


I dont know if this is related with this list but...

Today I have noticed that /var/spool/mail/vpopmail file has reached 12MB and
modified recently. But qmail does not deliver mail to mbox in my server. All
of my accounts are vpopmail accounts. When I look at that file and send some
test mails I saw that :
 * if mail is send to domains which use maildrop
 * and if that e-mail does not exists
a copy of that mail is written to /var/spool/mail/vpopmail. But this problem
(or acction) does not occur if a mail is send to domain which use

do you have any experience?

thanks for advance...

Ertan Yusufoglu