On Monday 21 March 2005 14:01, Dave Goodrich wrote:
> Off the top of my head,

Another gotcha to check: do the paths in the vpasswd files match the paths on 
the new server?  We moved stuff from old machines using vpopmail paths 
in /home/popusers and /home/vpopmail, but the new servers use /var/vpopmail.

I think one thing that could improve this a lot would be to define the 
vpopmail base folder somewhere, and only use relative paths in the vpasswd 
files.  I set up all of my scripts and maildrop files with a vpopmail_home 
variable and do this, to make them portable - it would be nice if vpopmail 
did the same thing.

Is that a realistic possibility?

Casey Allen Shobe | SeattleServer, Inc.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | cell 425-443-4653

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