[cc'd in case Tanmaya left the list]

On Thursday, September 4, 2003, at 12:06 AM, Tanmaya Anand wrote:
I have vpopmail-5.3.24 installed on my server. when i try to install
vqadmin-2.3.5  i get the following error:
configure: error: No vpopmail etc/lib_deps file. Upgrade to vpopmail-4.9.8 or above
what can be the possible cause?
Thanks in advance,

It's a bug in the build/install process of 5.3.24. I have a fix for that in 5.3.27 (to be released later today).

In the mean time, just re-run configure with the same options as the first time around. If you take a look at config.status, it will show the original configure options in the comments at the beginning of the file.

Please let me know if re-running configure doesn't work. The problem appeared to be that configure tried to create those two files at configure time, instead of having the Makefile create them at install time. The old way could lead to trouble if you were trying different configure options without installing -- you'd trash the lib_deps and inc_deps files.

Tom Collins
http://sniffter.com/ - info on the Sniffter hand-held Network Tester

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