
Thanks for your help.

After doing what you suggested, I realized that my server never gets past the "pass" command. It just sends a FIN packet immediately forcefully closing the connection. IT doesn't even give an error message which is probably why my client thought it was logging in successfully.

This is what that command produced:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] proc]# /var/qmail/bin/qmail-popup <my domain> /home/vpopmail/bin/vchkpw sh -c 'echo $HOME'
+OK <13287.1049056143@<my domain here>>
pass password
/home/vpopmail/domains/<my domain>/user

So it seems that for some reason its not getting past authentication. I can imagine that the RFC probably allows this with no mail present, but locally there is indeed mail.

The script that controls vpopmail is /var/qmail/bin/vpopmailctl but the actual script that runs it is /var/qmail/supervise/qmail-POP3d/run ...

Any ideas? Thanks!


Peter Palmreuther wrote:
Hello Jonathan,

On Sunday, March 30, 2003 at 9:53:47 AM you wrote (at least in part):

vpopmail doesn't deliver mail to any users.

Why are you assuming vpopmail doesn't deliver the mails? Your further
text says it does.

Its odd, but I have been looking at manuals and postings for a
while, and I don't see anything like this happening anywhere.
Simply put, the mail all gets put into the appropriate Maildir,
but when I try to retrieve it using a windows based pop client it
doens't work... any suggestions?

Did you try to login with the full email address?

Yes I did. It still doesn't work... I feel like this is an unusual

1.) What's the startup script of your pop3 daemon?
2.) What does a telnet session give?

 ?>telnet <mailserver> 110
 Escape character is '^]'.
 > pass <password>
 > stat
 +OK ....
 > uidl
 > quit

User input (has to be done by you) marked with a leading '>'.

3.) what does

/var/qmail/bin/qmail-popup /home/vpopmail/bin/vchkpw sh -c 'echo $HOME'

give, after you've 'feeded' it with

'pass <valid.password>'

both times the text between angle brackets, including brackets,
replaced by the data of a valid login?
Remember: execute this command as user 'root' or 'vpopmail'.

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