When we've re-coup'd our development costs, we may GPL it.  For now,
it's proprietary.

Davide Giunchi wrote:
> Hi.
> What about efilter ? i'm searching a spam filter for big servers and efilter
> , reading http://inter7.com/efilter, seems to be good with a qmail-vpopmail
> toaster but it's not available for download.
> When will be available ? i think that a good feature will be to make
> qmailadmin permit to the users to set their own basic rules (ie: block this
> sender...).
> Best Regards.
> --
> Davide Giunchi.
> Membro del FoLUG (Forlí Linux User Group) - http://folug.linux.it
> GPG Key available on http://www.keyserver.net
> Fingerprint: 4BFF 2682 6A58 ECFE 071B  A1A4 F2A3 9EFA 6494 81FD

Matt Brookings - Chief Technical Officer
Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.
www.inter7.com - 847-492-0470
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