On Saturday 28 September 2002 06:27, you wrote:
> Just wondering if you've released your new Vpopmail PHP extension?  Well,
> that's a misnomer, since I haven't seen 0.1 yet either ;)
> -- Steve

well feel free to download and test it

one note:
if you're using php as apache module, make sure that the user your apache runs 
as, has permissions to access the libvpopmail.la, which usually means running 
apache as vpopmail.vchkpw

as you might probably not want your virtual hosting apache server to run as 
that user, you have to use one of the other strategies.

a) have one extra apache running as vpopmail.vchkpw (and bind it to localhost 
or another ip address than the main one) and forward requests for a special 
virtual domain, or even for some special scripts only to this apache

b) use php as cgi-bin

c) use php as shell script run by a cron job (this is the way i've been using 
it for some time).

The phpinfo() should tell your about the userids. Just look into the vpopmail 

Best Regards
Justin Heesemann                                        ionium Technologies
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                                www.ionium.org

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