i'm answering my own question here, because i realized i'm a bonehead. i had forgotten that i had installed Matt Simerson's tcpserver patch, which adds the option of having tcpserver consult a mysql backend. The /var/qmail/control/sql file i had in place had an 1800 second timeout - 30 minutes. I upped that the three hours, and courier is honoring the change, so all's well.

for those who may wish to revisit the solution, see


There's no documentation for the patch. just apply it, then add "-S" to your tcpserver command line (likely in /service/smtpd/run), then create a file named 'sql' in /var/qmail/control, populated as shown in the comment within the patch -

server  sql.domain.com
port    3306
database        vpopmail
table   relay
user    vpopmail
pass    secret
time    1800

At 04:45 PM 02-13-2003, Paul Theodoropoulos wrote:


i'm running vpopmail 5.3.16 with mysql backend (mysql 3.23.54a for solaris 2.9 sparc), and courier imap 1.6.2. i've noticed that even though i have the --enable-relay-clear-minutes set to 180, my ability to relay seems to always stop after about 30 minutes when using IMAP (i don't use pop3 so havent tested that).

is the enable-relay-clear valid with the mysql backend? or am i missing something somewhere else?

Paul Theodoropoulos
The Nicest Misanthrope on the Net 

Paul Theodoropoulos
The Nicest Misanthrope on the Net

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