You are correct, that is a bug in the vdeloldusers.c coding which is exposed

   ./configure --enable-mysql=y --enable-auth-logging=n

Your proposed workaround of moving the ifdef will be fine

I will fix the problem in CVS


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Tom Walsh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2003 2:15 AM
Subject: [vchkpw] vdelolduser question

> Recently I tried to remove the auth-logging feature from our vpopmail
> configuration.
> First some background: I had determined that our configuration was still
> very master database dependant which is not one of our project goals.
> Basically we have local databases on each client in the mail cluster we
> running. It works great because the master replicates the data to the
> slaves, so we don't have to worry about moving the data around. Our goal
> to try and provide a reasonably available mail cluster for our clients, in
> that if the master was down (which handles mysql and nfs duties) the mail
> servers would queue messages and wait for the nfs to come backup. The
> problem we encountered was that with the vpopmail options we had used
> required constant update or insert queries (which are handled in the
> libvpopmail and sent to the master server because of the replication
> settings we used in vpopmail). So if the master was down... we had timeout
> issues with pop3 authentication.
> So I tried to recompile vpopmail without mysql-logging and auth-logging,
> ran into a problem when compiling vpopmail 5.3.20 under FreeBSD 4.8.
> vdelolduser.c complained about an undefined function vget_lastauth and
> failed to compile (with the option --enable-auth-logging=n).
> Now... My question is this:
> I modified the vdelolduser.c and moved the #endif that had commented out
> main() section of the vdelolduser.c if ENABLE_AUTH_LOGGING was not defined
> to the end of the file... So basically... I made it so that if
> ENABLE_AUTH_LOGGING wasn't enabled, none of the functions or the main
> section of vdeloldusers would be compiled.
> Would that have any negative effects? Other than the obvious that
> vdelolduser is a useless binary.
> We don't have a need for that anyways... So that is why I am asking here
> see if it has any internal uses that I don't see.
> Any help or guidance is appreciated.
> Tom Walsh
> Network Administrator

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