>On Thursday, August 22, 2002, at 05:09  PM, Andreas Wiesmann wrote:
>>I just recognized a probable bug in vpopbull. When I do vpopbull 
>>-v -n largedomain I get all mail addresses twice. If I do vpopbull 
>>-v -n smalldomain then everything is fine. Does anybody knows more 
>>about this?
>>The only thing I see is that in largedomain some maildirs are in 
>>largedomain/0/username instead of largedomain/username as for the 
>>smalldomain accounts. maybe that is not handled accurately in 
>>vpopbull? vdominfo largedomain gives correct information, 
>>especially number of mail accounts. vpopmail 5.2 is used.
>Try grabbing 5.2.1 or 5.3.8.  I fixed a bunch of problems in 
>vpopbull in those versions, and I can't reproduce your problem with 
>a domain of 200 users.
>NOTE:  The -v option is now -V in the versions mentions above.

It seems not to be a problem with the program but with some 
preference file (I tried with the updated programs but vpopbull was 
not giving any output in version 5.2.1 at all! yes I was using -V :-).

But by chance I used vdominfo without arguments and received:
domain: domain1
uid:    89
gid:    89
dir:    /mailboxen/vpopmail/domains/domain1
users:  12
domain: domain2
uid:    89
gid:    89
dir:    /mailboxen/vpopmail/domains/domain2
users:  184
domain: domain2
uid:    89
gid:    89
dir:    /mailboxen/vpopmail/domains/domain2
users:  184

I have to say, that I moved this mail domain from one server to 
another. Now I guess the domain ist registered twice somehow (however 
the maildirs exist only once). I checked .dir-control and it shows
0 0 0
61 61 61
0 2 2
0 0 0
but that means nothing to me, and also after I studied the source 
code; i didnt see what I should change. Can I delete this preference 
file and it is rebuilt correctly or how can I solve my problem?

Thanks for your support!


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