On Wed, 20 Aug 2003, eLgino wrote:

> hello, anyone have installed postfix & vpopmail under freebsd?

Probably not.  Or if they have, they're not on this list.  I think Ken
just put that on the inter7 page to taunt people.

> i have no clue howto install it with postfix, but i will use a IMAP/POP
> server named "dovecot" and he can handle with vpopmail.
> have anyone a idea?

Dig in and do it, then send us detailed instructions.  I've started a few
times, then stalled out.  I'm sick of having a piece of perl code invoked
for every incoming mail (qmail-scanner), and postfix has much nicer hooks
for scanning and all manner of goodies.  It does seem possible, but I'd
bet things like smtp-auth could get a little tricky...



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