So far so good...thanks for your time and effort. I have it installed and
quickly tested with Qmailadmin 1.2.11. 

On Sun, 23 Sep 2007 17:44:50 -0600, Rick Widmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> 5.4.23 - released 23-Sep-2007
> Release Notes:
> This release reverts the maildirquota warnings patch.  I
> believe the correct way to fix this is to make the quota
> variable a 64 bit unsigned value so we can go past the 2GB (or
> is it 4GB) size limit on the current 32 bit values.  That can
> be done in the 5.5 branch which will be created once we have a
> good stable 5.4 release.
> ChangeLog:
> 5.4.23 - Released 23-Sep-2007
>       Rick Widmer
>       - Upgrade build system to match my dev server  (SuSE 10.2)
>       - Revert maildirquota warnings change

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