Author: bmbouter
Date: Fri Oct  9 12:05:23 2009
New Revision: 823520

Initial commit of the module.  This module is commited and working, 
but still needs the configuration variables placed in the database instead of 
the file itself.  Also, it still manages an NFS based image library 
side-by-side for now; that will be removed later.


Fri Oct  9 12:05:23 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+You need to install the VMware VI Perl toolkit installed on any management 
node using the esxthin module
+Each vmware ESX hypervisor you want VCL to provision to requires the NetApp 
image library volume to be connected and named 'VCL'
+Ensure your NetApp volume (ie: /vol/image_library) is exported via NFS and 
that it has the following structure.  Note: all images use the name image.vmdk 
and image-flat.vmdk explicitly inside the folders which are each named 
differently by the image name.
+       /inuse  (required)
+       /golden  (required)
+               /imagename (a folder in golden for each image in the library)
+                       image.vmdk
+                       image-flat.vmdk
+               ...
+Image requirements:
+       All images used by this module must have names in the form of 
esx3-<anything you want>-v#    (where # is the image revision number)
+       ssh must be set to start on boot
+       ssh keys must be setup so that VCL can ssh into it (put another way, 
the /root/.ssh/ key from a VCL management node must be added to each 
image's authorized_keys file)
+       The image needs two NICs (eth0 is private, eth1 is public)
+       The IP addressing of the private (eth0) interface must be set to DHCP 
on boot
+The VCL management node acts as a dhcp server for the private (eth0) NICs of 
the virtual machines that will be provisioned.  Configure your management 
node's private interface eth1 ( to hand out valid IP addresses on the 
network by configuring your /etc/dhcpd.conf and turning on dhcp.  
Use the following entry as a guide:
+         subnet netmask {
+                max-lease-time                  43200;
+                min-lease-time                  43200;
+                default-lease-time              43200;
+                option subnet-mask    ;
+                option nis-domain               "NA";
+                option nis-servers      noip;
+                option time-offset              -5;
+                range;
+Customizing the ESX module for your hypervisors:
+Update the database record in the 'vmprofile' table where with 
information specific to your environment
+       datastorepath: <ipaddress>:<NFS mount path>  for example a valid entry 
could be  (
+       virtualswitch0: <name of your private virtual machine port group> 
+       virtualswitch1: <name of your public virtual machine port group>
+       username: <name of a valid user on your ESX hypervisors>
+       password: <password for the ESX hypervisor user>
+For each ESX hypervisor which VCL will provision machines on, do the following:
+1)  Create an entry for that hypervisor by going to Manage Computers -> Edit 
Computer Information -> Add
+       Hostname <your ESX's hostname>
+       IP <your ESX's IP>
+       Type "blade"
+       Provisioning Engine:  This doesn't matter
+       Computer Groups:  Don't add the hypervisors to any computer groups
+2)  For each ESX hypervisor, manually create an entry in the 'vmhost' database 
table with the following guidelines:
+       computerid: the id of the computer created in step 1
+       vmlimit: the max number of vms to have on this hypervisor (ie: 5)
+       vmprofileid: the id of the vmprofile entry created in step 4 of the 
above section labeled "Install the module"
+Assigning VMs to your hypervisors:
+1)  Create a virtual machine placeholder for each VM you would like to 
concurrently run.  Do so by going to Manage Computers -> Edit Computer 
Information -> Add
+       Hostname: <the hostname of the vm when it is provisioned and turned on>
+       IP: this doesn't matter, our module will populate this field
+       Type: virtualmachine
+       Provisioning Engine: VMware ESX Thin
+       Computer Groups:  allComputers
+2) 'assign' these computer placeholders (and their hostnames) to hypervisors 
by using the 'Virtual Hosts' area of your web interface.
+Now your hypervisors and virtual machines are setup.  Add an image:
+1)  Create an entry in the image table.
+       name:  esx3-<what you want>-v0
+       OSid:  link to the correct operating system entry in the OS table
+2)  Create an image revision table with the imageid from the entry created in 
the image table  and the imagename used in that same entry
+3)  Create an image in the resource table with resource.type=13 and 
resource.subid=<your image's image.subid>
+4)  Add the image revision to the allImages and allVMimages groups

Added: incubator/vcl/trunk/managementnode/lib/VCL/Module/Provisioning/
--- incubator/vcl/trunk/managementnode/lib/VCL/Module/Provisioning/ 
+++ incubator/vcl/trunk/managementnode/lib/VCL/Module/Provisioning/ 
Fri Oct  9 12:05:23 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,1386 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# $Id: 807191 2009-08-24 12:46:38Z bmbouter $
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+=head1 NAME
+VCL::Provisioning::esxthin - VCL module supporting the vmware esxthin 
provisioning engine
+which works only when supproted with NetApp hardware
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ Needs to be written
+ This module provides VCL support for vmware esx to boot its virtual machines 
in a
+ copy-on-write fashion.
+ TODO list:
+ Refactor all run_ssh_command calls to check the return code and fail if not 0
+package VCL::Module::Provisioning::esxthin;
+# Include File Copying for Perl
+use File::Copy;
+# Specify the lib path using FindBin
+use FindBin;
+use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../../..";
+# Configure inheritance
+use base qw(VCL::Module::Provisioning);
+# Specify the version of this module
+our $VERSION = '1.00';
+# Specify the version of Perl to use
+use 5.008000;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use diagnostics;
+use VCL::utils;
+use Fcntl qw(:DEFAULT :flock);
+# Used to query for the MAC address once a host has been registered
+use VMware::VIRuntime;
+use VMware::VILib;
+# Used to interact with the storage system
+require 5.6.1;
+use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../../../NetApp";  
+use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../lib/NetApp";
+use NaServer;
+use NaElement;
+ Data type   : hash
+ Description : %VMWARE_CONFIG is a hash containing the general VMWARE 
+               for the management node this code is running on. Since the data 
+                                       the same for every instance of the 
VMWARE class, a class attribute
+                                       is used and the hash is shared among 
all instances. This also
+                                       means that the data only needs to be 
retrieved from the database
+                                       once.
+# Class attributes to store VMWWARE configuration details
+# This data also resides in the %VMWARE_CONFIG hash
+# Extract hash data to scalars for ease of use
+=head2 initialize
+ Parameters  :
+ Returns     :
+ Description :
+sub initialize {
+       # Check for known vmware toolkit paths
+       if (-d '/usr/lib/vmware-vcli/apps') {
+               $VMTOOL_ROOT       = '/usr/lib/vmware-vcli/apps';
+               $VMTOOLKIT_VERSION = "vsphere4";
+       }
+       elsif (-d '/usr/lib/vmware-viperl/apps') {
+               $VMTOOL_ROOT       = '/usr/lib/vmware-viperl/apps';
+               $VMTOOLKIT_VERSION = "vmtoolkit1";
+       }
+       else {
+               notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "unable to initialize esxthin 
module, neither of the vmware toolkit paths were found: 
/usr/lib/vmware-vcli/apps/vm /usr/lib/vmware-viperl/apps/vm");
+               return;
+       }
+       # Check to make sure one of the expected executables is where it should 
+       if (!-x "$VMTOOL_ROOT/vm/") {
+               notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "unable to initialize esxthin 
module, expected executable was not found: $VMTOOL_ROOT/");
+               return;
+       }
+       notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "esx vmware toolkit root path found: 
+       notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "vmware ESX module initialized");
+       return 1;
+} ## end sub initialize
+=head2 provision
+ Parameters  : hash
+ Returns     : 1(success) or 0(failure)
+ Description : loads virtual machine with requested image
+sub load {
+       my $self = shift;
+       #check to make sure this call is for the esxthin module
+       if (ref($self) !~ /esxthin/i) {
+               notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "subroutine was called as a 
function, it must be called as a class method");
+               return 0;
+       }
+       my $request_data = shift;
+       my ($package, $filename, $line, $sub) = caller(0);
+       notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, 
+       # get various useful vars from the database
+       my $request_id           = $self->data->get_request_id;
+       my $reservation_id       = $self->data->get_reservation_id;
+       my $vmhost_hostname      = $self->data->get_vmhost_hostname;
+       my $image_name           = $self->data->get_image_name;
+       my $computer_shortname   = $self->data->get_computer_short_name;
+       my $vmclient_computerid  = $self->data->get_computer_id;
+       my $vmclient_imageminram = $self->data->get_image_minram;
+       my $image_os_name        = $self->data->get_image_os_name;
+       my $image_os_type        = $self->data->get_image_os_type;
+       my $image_identity       = $self->data->get_image_identity;
+       my $virtualswitch0   = $self->data->get_vmhost_profile_virtualswitch0;
+       my $virtualswitch1   = $self->data->get_vmhost_profile_virtualswitch1;
+       my $vmclient_eth0MAC = $self->data->get_computer_eth0_mac_address;
+       my $vmclient_eth1MAC = $self->data->get_computer_eth1_mac_address;
+       my $vmclient_OSname  = $self->data->get_image_os_name;
+       my $vmhost_username = $self->data->get_vmhost_profile_username();
+       my $vmhost_password = $self->data->get_vmhost_profile_password();
+       $vmhost_hostname =~ /([-_a-zA-Z0-9]*)(\.?)/;
+       my $vmhost_shortname = $1;
+       #Collect the proper hostname of the ESX server through the vmware tool 
+       notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "Calling get_vmware_host_info");
+       my $vmhost_hostname_value = $self->get_vmware_host_info("hostname");
+       if ($vmhost_hostname_value) {
+               notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "Collected $vmhost_hostname_value 
for vmware host name");
+               $vmhost_hostname = $vmhost_hostname_value;
+       }
+       else {
+               notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "Unable to collect hostname_value 
for vmware host name using hostname from database");
+       }
+       #Get the config datastore information from the database
+       my $datastore_ip;
+       my $datastore_share_path;
+       ($datastore_ip, $datastore_share_path) = split(":", 
+       notify($ERRORS{'OK'},    0, "DATASTORE IP is $datastore_ip and 
DATASTORE_SHARE_PATH is $datastore_share_path");
+       notify($ERRORS{'OK'},    0, "Entered ESX module, loading $image_name on 
$computer_shortname (on $vmhost_hostname) for reservation $reservation_id");
+       notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "Datastore: 
+       # path to the inuse vm folder on the datastore (not a local path)
+       my $vmpath = "$datastore_share_path/inuse/$computer_shortname";
+       # authenticate with the netapp filer
+       my $s = netapp_login();
+       # query the host to see if the vm currently exists
+       my $vminfo_command = "$VMTOOL_ROOT/vm/";
+       $vminfo_command .= " --server '$vmhost_shortname'";
+       $vminfo_command .= " --vmname $computer_shortname";
+       $vminfo_command .= " --username $vmhost_username";
+       $vminfo_command .= " --password '$vmhost_password'";
+       notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "VM info command: $vminfo_command");
+       my $vminfo_output;
+       $vminfo_output = `$vminfo_command`;
+       notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "VM info output: $vminfo_output");
+       # parse the results from the host and determine if we need to remove an 
old vm
+       if ($vminfo_output =~ /^Information of Virtual Machine 
$computer_shortname/m) {
+               # Power off this vm
+               my $poweroff_command = "$VMTOOL_ROOT/vm/";
+               $poweroff_command .= " --server '$vmhost_shortname'";
+               $poweroff_command .= " --vmname $computer_shortname";
+               $poweroff_command .= " --operation poweroff";
+               $poweroff_command .= " --username $vmhost_username";
+               $poweroff_command .= " --password '$vmhost_password'";
+               notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "Power off command: 
+               my $poweroff_output;
+               $poweroff_output = `$poweroff_command`;
+               notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "Powered off: $poweroff_output");
+               # unregister old vm from host
+               my $unregister_command = "$VMTOOL_ROOT/vm/";
+               $unregister_command .= " --server '$vmhost_shortname'";
+               $unregister_command .= " --username $vmhost_username";
+               $unregister_command .= " --password '$vmhost_password'";
+               $unregister_command .= " --vmxpath 
+               $unregister_command .= " --operation unregister";
+               $unregister_command .= " --vmname $computer_shortname";
+               $unregister_command .= " --pool Resources";
+               $unregister_command .= " --hostname '$vmhost_hostname'";
+               $unregister_command .= " --datacenter 'ha-datacenter'";
+               notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "Un-Register Command: 
+               my $unregister_output;
+               $unregister_output = `$unregister_command`;
+               notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "Un-Registered: 
+       } ## end if ($vminfo_output =~ /^Information of Virtual Machine 
+       # Remove old vm folder
+       netapp_delete_dir($s,"/vol/images/inuse/$computer_shortname");
+       # Remove old vm folder
+       run_ssh_command($datastore_ip, $image_identity, "rm -rf $vmpath");
+       notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "Removed old vm folder");
+       # Create new folder for this vm
+       if (!run_ssh_command($datastore_ip, $image_identity, "mkdir $vmpath")) {
+               notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "Could not create new 
+               return 0;
+       }
+       # Create new folder for this vm
+       #RRRRRRR
+       netapp_create_dir($s,"/vol/images/inuse/$computer_shortname",'0755');
+       # copy appropriate vmdk file
+       my $from = "$datastore_share_path/golden/$image_name/image.vmdk";
+       my $to   = "$vmpath/image.vmdk";
+       if (!run_ssh_command($datastore_ip, $image_identity, "cp $from $to")) {
+               notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "Could not copy vmdk file!");
+               return 0;
+       }
+       # clone vmdk file from golden to inuse
+       #RRRRRRRR
+       my $from = "/vol/images/golden/$image_name/image.vmdk";
+       my $to   = "/vol/images/inuse/$computer_shortname/image.vmdk";
+       netapp_fileclone($s,$from,$to);
+       # Copy the (large) -flat.vmdk file
+       # This uses ssh to do the copy locally, copying over nfs is too costly
+       $from = "$datastore_share_path/golden/$image_name/image-flat.vmdk";
+       $to   = "$vmpath/image-flat.vmdk";
+       if (!run_ssh_command($datastore_ip, $image_identity, "cp $from $to")) {
+               notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "Could not copy vmdk-flat 
+               return 0;
+       }
+       # Copy the (large) -flat.vmdk file
+       #RRRRRRRRR
+       $from = "/vol/images/golden/$image_name/image-flat.vmdk";
+       $to   = "/vol/images/inuse/$computer_shortname/image-flat.vmdk";
+       netapp_fileclone($s,$from,$to);
+       # Author new VMX file, output to temporary file (will scp it below)
+       my @vmxfile;
+       my $vmxpath = "/tmp/$computer_shortname.vmx";
+       my $guestOS = "other";
+       $guestOS = "winxppro"         if ($image_os_name =~ /(winxp)/i);
+       $guestOS = "winnetenterprise" if ($image_os_name =~ 
+       $guestOS = "linux"            if ($image_os_name =~ /(fc|centos)/i);
+       $guestOS = "linux"            if ($image_os_name =~ /(linux)/i);
+       $guestOS = "winvista"         if ($image_os_name =~ /(vista)/i);
+       # FIXME Should add some more entries here
+       # determine adapter type by looking at vmdk file
+       my $adapter = "lsilogic";    # default
+       my @output;
+       if (@output = run_ssh_command($datastore_ip, $image_identity, "grep 
adapterType $vmpath/image.vmdk 2>&1")) {
+               my @LIST = @{$output[1]};
+               foreach (@LIST) {
+                       if ($_ =~ /(ide|buslogic|lsilogic)/) {
+                               $adapter = $1;
+                               notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "adapter= $1 ");
+                       }
+               }
+       }
+       else {
+               notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "Could not ssh to grep the vmdk 
+               return 0;
+       }
+       push(@vmxfile, "#!/usr/bin/vmware\n");
+       push(@vmxfile, "config.version = \"8\"\n");
+       push(@vmxfile, "virtualHW.version = \"4\"\n");
+       push(@vmxfile, "memsize = \"$vmclient_imageminram\"\n");
+       push(@vmxfile, "displayName = \"$computer_shortname\"\n");
+       push(@vmxfile, "guestOS = \"$guestOS\"\n");
+       push(@vmxfile, "uuid.action = \"create\"\n");
+       push(@vmxfile, "Ethernet0.present = \"TRUE\"\n");
+       push(@vmxfile, "Ethernet1.present = \"TRUE\"\n");
+       push(@vmxfile, "Ethernet0.networkName = \"$virtualswitch0\"\n");
+       push(@vmxfile, "Ethernet1.networkName = \"$virtualswitch1\"\n");
+       push(@vmxfile, "ethernet0.wakeOnPcktRcv = \"false\"\n");
+       push(@vmxfile, "ethernet1.wakeOnPcktRcv = \"false\"\n");
+               # Let vmware host define the MAC addresses
+               notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "eth0 MAC address set for vmware 
+               push(@vmxfile, "ethernet0.addressType = \"generated\"\n");
+       }
+       else {
+               # We set a registered MAC
+               notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "eth0 MAC address set for vcl 
+               push(@vmxfile, "ethernet0.address = \"$vmclient_eth0MAC\"\n");
+               push(@vmxfile, "ethernet0.addressType = \"static\"\n");
+       }
+               # Let vmware host define the MAC addresses
+               notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "eth1 MAC address set for vmware 
generated $vmclient_eth0MAC");
+               push(@vmxfile, "ethernet1.addressType = \"generated\"\n");
+       }
+       else {
+               # We set a registered MAC
+               notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "eth1 MAC address set for vcl assigned 
+               push(@vmxfile, "ethernet1.address = \"$vmclient_eth1MAC\"\n");
+               push(@vmxfile, "ethernet1.addressType = \"static\"\n");
+       }
+       push(@vmxfile, "gui.exitOnCLIHLT = \"FALSE\"\n");
+       push(@vmxfile, "snapshot.disabled = \"TRUE\"\n");
+       push(@vmxfile, "floppy0.present = \"FALSE\"\n");
+       push(@vmxfile, "priority.grabbed = \"normal\"\n");
+       push(@vmxfile, "priority.ungrabbed = \"normal\"\n");
+       push(@vmxfile, "checkpoint.vmState = \"\"\n");
+       push(@vmxfile, "scsi0.present = \"TRUE\"\n");
+       push(@vmxfile, "scsi0.sharedBus = \"none\"\n");
+       push(@vmxfile, "scsi0.virtualDev = \"$adapter\"\n");
+       push(@vmxfile, "scsi0:0.present = \"TRUE\"\n");
+       push(@vmxfile, "scsi0:0.deviceType = \"scsi-hardDisk\"\n");
+       push(@vmxfile, "scsi0:0.fileName =\"image.vmdk\"\n");
+       my $ascii_vmx_file = '';
+       foreach my $vmx_line (@vmxfile) {
+               $ascii_vmx_file = $ascii_vmx_file.$vmx_line;
+       }
+       # Write the VMX file to the NetApp
+       #RRRRRR
+       # write vmx to temp file
+       if (open(TMP, ">$vmxpath")) {
+               print TMP @vmxfile;
+               close(TMP);
+               notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "wrote vmxarray to $vmxpath");
+       }
+       else {
+               notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "could not write vmxarray to 
+               insertloadlog($reservation_id, $vmclient_computerid, "failed", 
"could not write vmx file to local tmp file");
+               return 0;
+       }
+       # scp $vmxpath to $vmpath/image.vmx
+       if (!run_scp_command($vmxpath, "$datastore_ip:$vmpath/image.vmx", 
$image_identity)) {
+               notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "could not scp vmx file to 
+               return 0;
+       }
+       # Register new vm on host
+       my $register_command = "$VMTOOL_ROOT/vm/";
+       $register_command .= " --server '$vmhost_shortname'";
+       $register_command .= " --username $vmhost_username";
+       $register_command .= " --password '$vmhost_password'";
+       $register_command .= " --vmxpath 
+       $register_command .= " --operation register";
+       $register_command .= " --vmname $computer_shortname";
+       $register_command .= " --pool Resources";
+       $register_command .= " --hostname '$vmhost_hostname'";
+       $register_command .= " --datacenter 'ha-datacenter'";
+       notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "Register Command: $register_command");
+       my $register_output;
+       $register_output = `$register_command`;
+       notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "Registered: $register_output");
+       # Turn new vm on
+       my $poweron_command = "$VMTOOL_ROOT/vm/";
+       $poweron_command .= " --server '$vmhost_shortname'";
+       $poweron_command .= " --vmname $computer_shortname";
+       $poweron_command .= " --operation poweron";
+       $poweron_command .= " --username $vmhost_username";
+       $poweron_command .= " --password '$vmhost_password'";
+       notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "Power on command: $poweron_command");
+       my $poweron_output;
+       $poweron_output = `$poweron_command`;
+       notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "Powered on: $poweron_output");
+       # Query the VI Perl toolkit for the mac address of our newly registered
+       # machine
+       my $url;
+       if ($VMTOOLKIT_VERSION =~ /vsphere4/) {
+               $url = "https://$vmhost_shortname/sdk/vimService";;
+       }
+       elsif ($VMTOOLKIT_VERSION =~ /vmtoolkit1/) {
+               $url = "https://$vmhost_shortname/sdk";;
+       }
+       else {
+               notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "Could not determine 
+               return 0;
+       }
+       #Set some variable
+       my $wait_loops = 0;
+       my $arpstatus  = 0;
+       my $client_ip;
+               # allowing vmware to generate the MAC address
+               # find out what MAC got assigned
+               # find out what IP address is assigned to this MAC
+               Vim::login(service_url => "https://$vmhost_shortname/sdk";, 
user_name => $vmhost_username, password => $vmhost_password);
+               Vim::login(service_url => $url, user_name => $vmhost_username, 
password => $vmhost_password);
+               my $vm_view = Vim::find_entity_view(view_type => 
'VirtualMachine', filter => {'' => "$computer_shortname"});
+               if (!$vm_view) {
+                       notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "Could not query for VM 
+                       Vim::logout();
+                       return 0;
+               }
+               my $devices = $vm_view->config->hardware->device;
+               my $mac_addr;
+               foreach my $dev (@$devices) {
+                       next unless ($dev->isa("VirtualEthernetCard"));
+                       notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "deviceinfo->summary: 
+                       notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "virtualswitch0: 
+                       if ($dev->deviceInfo->summary eq $virtualswitch0) {
+                               $mac_addr = $dev->macAddress;
+                       }
+               }
+               Vim::logout();
+               if (!$mac_addr) {
+                       notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "Failed to find MAC 
+                       return 0;
+               }
+               notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "Queried MAC address is $mac_addr");
+               # Query ARP table for $mac_addr to find the IP (waiting for 
machine to come up if necessary)
+               # The DHCP negotiation should add the appropriate ARP entry for 
+               while (!$arpstatus) {
+                       my $arpoutput = `arp -n`;
+                       if ($arpoutput =~ 
/^(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}).*?$mac_addr/mi) {
+                               $client_ip = $1;
+                               $arpstatus = 1;
+                               notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "$computer_shortname 
now has ip $client_ip");
+                       }
+                       else {
+                               if ($wait_loops > 24) {
+                                       notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "waited 
acceptable amount of time for dhcp, please check $computer_shortname on 
+                                       return 0;
+                               }
+                               else {
+                                       $wait_loops++;
+                                       notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "going to 
sleep 5 seconds, waiting for computer to DHCP. Try $wait_loops");
+                                       sleep 5;
+                               }
+                       } ## end else [ if ($arpoutput =~ 
+               } ## end while (!$arpstatus)
+               notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "Found IP address $client_ip");
+               # Delete existing entry for $computer_shortname in /etc/hosts 
(if any)
+               notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "Removing old hosts entry");
+               my $sedoutput = `sed -i "/.*\\b$computer_shortname\$/d" 
+               notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, $sedoutput);
+               # Add new entry to /etc/hosts for $computer_shortname
+               `echo -e "$client_ip\t$computer_shortname" >> /etc/hosts`;
+       } ## end if ($VMWARE_MAC_ETH0_GENERATED)
+       else {
+               notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "IP is known for $computer_shortname");
+       }
+       # Start waiting for SSH to come up
+       my $sshdstatus = 0;
+       $wait_loops = 0;
+       my $sshd_status = "off";
+       notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "Waiting for ssh to come up on 
+       while (!$sshdstatus) {
+               my $sshd_status = _sshd_status($computer_shortname, 
$image_name, $image_os_type);
+               if ($sshd_status eq "on") {
+                       $sshdstatus = 1;
+                       notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "$computer_shortname now has 
active sshd running");
+               }
+               else {
+                       #either sshd is off or N/A, we wait
+                       if ($wait_loops > 50) {
+                               notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "waited 
acceptable amount of time for sshd to become active, please check 
$computer_shortname on $vmhost_shortname");
+                               #need to check power, maybe reboot it. for now 
fail it
+                               return 0;
+                       }
+                       else {
+                               $wait_loops++;
+                               # to give post config a chance
+                               notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "going to sleep 5 
seconds, waiting for computer to start SSH. Try $wait_loops");
+                               sleep 5;
+                       }
+               }    # else
+       }    #while
+       # Set IP info
+       if ($IPCONFIGURATION ne "manualDHCP") {
+               #not default setting
+               if ($IPCONFIGURATION eq "dynamicDHCP") {
+                       insertloadlog($reservation_id, $vmclient_computerid, 
"dynamicDHCPaddress", "collecting dynamic IP address for node");
+                       notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "Attempting to query 
vmclient for its public IP...");
+                       my $assignedIPaddress = 
getdynamicaddress($computer_shortname, $vmclient_OSname, $image_os_type);
+                       if ($assignedIPaddress) {
+                               #update computer table
+                               notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, " Got dynamic 
address from vmclient, attempting to update database");
+                               if 
(update_computer_address($vmclient_computerid, $assignedIPaddress)) {
+                                       notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, " 
succesfully updated IPaddress of node $computer_shortname");
+                               }
+                               else {
+                                       notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "could 
not update dynamic address $assignedIPaddress for $computer_shortname 
+                                       return 0;
+                               }
+                       } ## end if ($assignedIPaddress)
+                       else {
+                               notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "could not fetch 
dynamic address from $computer_shortname $image_name");
+                               insertloadlog($reservation_id, 
$vmclient_computerid, "failed", "could not collect dynamic IP address for 
+                               return 0;
+                       }
+               } ## end if ($IPCONFIGURATION eq "dynamicDHCP")
+               elsif ($IPCONFIGURATION eq "static") {
+                       notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "STATIC ASSIGNMENT NOT 
SUPPORTED. See vcld.conf");
+                       return 0;
+                       #insertloadlog($reservation_id, $vmclient_computerid, 
"staticIPaddress", "setting static IP address for node");
+                       #if (setstaticaddress($computer_shortname, 
$vmclient_OSname, $vmclient_publicIPaddress)) {
+                       #       # good set static address
+                       #}
+               }
+       } ## end if ($IPCONFIGURATION ne "manualDHCP")
+       # Perform post load tasks
+       # Check if OS module has implemented a post_load() subroutine
+       if ($self->os->can('post_load')) {
+               # If post-load has been implemented by the OS module, don't 
perform these tasks here
+               # calls the OS module's post_load() subroutine
+               notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "post_load() has been implemented 
by the OS module, returning 1");
+               return 1;
+       }
+       return 1;
+} ## end sub load
+=head2 ascii_to_hex
+ Parameters  : a single ASCII string
+ Returns     : a single hex string
+ Description : Converts ASCII to Hex
+sub ascii_to_hex ($)
+       {
+               ## Convert each ASCII character to a two-digit hex number.
+               (my $str = shift) =~ s/(.|\n)/sprintf("%02lx", ord $1)/eg;
+                       return $str;
+       }
+=head2 netapp_login
+ Parameters  : None
+ Returns     : an authenticated NaServer object
+ Description : authenticates with a netapp filer
+sub netapp_login
+       my $s = NaServer->new ('',1,3);
+#TODO: make the ip not hardcoded
+       my $resp = $s->set_style("LOGIN");
+       if (ref ($resp) eq "NaElement" && $resp->results_errno != 0) {
+               my $r = $resp->results_reason();
+               notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "Failed to set authentication 
style $r\n");
+               exit 2;
+       }
+       $s->set_admin_user('vcltestuser', 'd8k3hg6g8s9h');
+#TODO: make the user/pass not hardcoded
+       $resp = $s->set_transport_type("HTTP");
+       if (ref ($resp) eq "NaElement" && $resp->results_errno != 0) {
+               my $r = $resp->results_reason();
+               notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "Unable to set HTTP transport 
+               exit 2;
+       }
+       return $s
+=head2 netapp_rename_dir
+ Parameters  : $s, $from_path, $to_path
+ Returns     : 1(success) or 0(failure)
+ Description : Renames the directory at $from_path to $to_path  on the NetApp
+               backing $s.  Note that this API cannot be used to rename a
+               directory to a different volume.
+sub netapp_rename_dir
+       my $s = $_[0];
+       my $from_path = $_[1];
+       my $to_path = $_[2];
+       my $in = NaElement->new("file-rename-directory");
+       $in->child_add_string("from-path",$from_path);
+       $in->child_add_string("to-path",$to_path);
+       my $out = $s->invoke_elem($in);
+       if($out->results_status() eq "failed") {
+               notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, $out->results_reason() ."\n");
+               return 0;
+       } else {
+               notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "Renamed directory $from_path to 
$to_path on netapp");
+               return 1;
+       }
+=head2 netapp_create_dir
+ Parameters  : $s, $dir_path, $dir_perm
+ Returns     : 1(success) or 0(failure)
+ Description : creates a directory at the path $dir_path with permissions
+               $dir_perm on the NetApp backing $s.  $dir_path should not 
+               a trailing slash
+sub netapp_create_dir
+       my $s = $_[0];
+       my $dir_path = $_[1];
+       my $dir_perm = $_[2];
+       my $in = NaElement->new("file-create-directory");
+       $in->child_add_string("path",$dir_path);
+       $in->child_add_string("perm",$dir_perm);
+       my $out = $s->invoke_elem($in);
+       if($out->results_status() eq "failed") {
+               notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, $out->results_reason() ."\n");
+               return 0;
+       } else {
+               notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "Created directory $dir_path on 
+               return 1;
+       }
+=head2 netapp_write_file
+ Parameters  : $s, $ascii_data, $path
+ Returns     : 1(success) or 0(failure)
+ Description : writes the contents of $ascii_data to $path on the NetApp
+               backing $s.  Note: $ascii_data should contain valid ASCII data.
+sub netapp_write_file
+       my $s = $_[0];
+       my $ascii_data = $_[1];
+       my $path = $_[2];
+       my $hex_data = ascii_to_hex($ascii_data);
+       my $out = $s->invoke( 
"file-write-file","data",$hex_data,"offset",0,"overwrite",0,"path",$path );
+       if($out->results_status() eq "failed") {
+               notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, $out->results_reason() ."\n");
+               return 0;
+       } else {
+               notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "Wrote ASCII data to file $path on 
+               return 1;
+       }
+=head2 netapp_delete_dir
+ Parameters  : $s, $dir_path
+ Returns     : 1(success) or 0(failure)
+ Description : deletes a directory at the path $dir_path on the NetApp
+               backing $s.  NOTE:  This function will also delete all files
+               inside the directory.  Also, if $dir_path is a file it will
+               delete that file only.
+sub netapp_delete_dir
+       my $s = $_[0];
+       my $dir_path = $_[1];
+       # Check if $dir_path a directory or a file
+       my $in = NaElement->new("file-get-file-info");
+       $in->child_add_string("path",$dir_path);
+       my $out = $s->invoke_elem($in);
+       if($out->results_status() eq "failed") {
+               notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, $out->results_reason() ."\n");
+               return 0;
+       } else {
+               my $file_type = 
+               # Is this a file?
+               if ($file_type eq "file") {
+                       netapp_delete_file($s,$dir_path);
+                       return 1;
+               }
+       }
+       # Start a directory iteration
+       my $in = NaElement->new("file-list-directory-iter-start");
+       $in->child_add_string("path",$dir_path);
+       my $out = $s->invoke_elem($in);
+       if($out->results_status() eq "failed") {
+               notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, $out->results_reason() ."\n");
+               return 0;
+       } else {
+               my $tag_id = $out->child_get_string("tag");
+               my $records_num = $out->child_get_int("records");
+               # Have the NetApp provide a list of all files in the directory
+               my $file_request = 
+               $file_request->child_add_string("maximum",$records_num);
+               $file_request->child_add_string("tag",$tag_id);
+               my $file_response = $s->invoke_elem($file_request);
+               if($file_response->results_status() eq "failed") {
+                       notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, $out->results_reason() 
+                       return 0;
+               } else {
+                       my @result = 
+                       foreach my $file_entry (@result) {
+                               my $file_type = 
+                               my $file_name = 
+                               # Check if it is a directory or file
+                               if ($file_type eq "directory") {
+                                       # Make sure '..' and '.' are ignored
+                                       if ($file_name ne ".." and $file_name 
ne ".") {
+                                               # Recurisly calling 
netapp_delete_dir with $dir_path/$file_name
+                                       }
+                               } else {
+                                       # Deleting the file at 
+                               }
+                       }
+                       # Removing empty directory $dir_path
+                       netapp_delete_empty_dir($s,$dir_path);
+               }
+               return 1;
+       }
+=head2 netapp_is_dir
+ Parameters  : $s, $dir_path
+ Returns     : 1($dir_path exists) or 0($dir_path doesn't exist)
+ Description : Determines if the directory $dir_path exists on the NetApp
+               backed by $s.  Note, $dir_path should no contain a trailing
+               slash.
+sub netapp_is_dir
+       my $s = $_[0];
+       my $dir_path = $_[1];
+       # Check if $dir_path a directory or a file
+       my $in = NaElement->new("file-get-file-info");
+       $in->child_add_string("path",$dir_path);
+       my $out = $s->invoke_elem($in);
+       if($out->results_status() eq "failed") {
+               #notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, $out->results_reason() ."\n");
+               return 0;
+       } else {
+               my $file_type = 
+               # Is this a dir?
+               if ($file_type eq "directory") {
+                       return 1;
+               }
+       }
+       return 0;
+=head2 netapp_get_size
+ Parameters  : $s, $path
+ Returns     : Size in Bytes
+ Description : Determines the size of the directory or file at $path on the
+               NetApp backed by $s.  Note: directories should not use a
+               trailing slash.
+sub netapp_get_size
+       my $s = $_[0];
+       my $path = $_[1];
+       # Check if $path a directory or a file
+       my $in = NaElement->new("file-get-file-info");
+       $in->child_add_string("path",$path);
+       my $out = $s->invoke_elem($in);
+       if($out->results_status() eq "failed") {
+               #notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, $out->results_reason() ."\n");
+               return 0;
+       } else {
+               return 
+       }
+=head2 netapp_delete_empty_dir
+ Parameters  : $s, $dir_path
+ Returns     : 1(success) or 0(failure)
+ Description : Deletes an empty directory located at $dir_path on the NetApp
+               backing $s.
+sub netapp_delete_empty_dir
+       my $s = $_[0];
+       my $dir_path = $_[1];
+       my $in = NaElement->new("file-delete-directory");
+       $in->child_add_string("path",$dir_path);
+       my $out = $s->invoke_elem($in);
+       if($out->results_status() eq "failed") {
+               notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, $out->results_reason() ."\n");
+               return 0;
+       } else {
+               notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "Deleted directory $dir_path on 
+               return 1;
+       }
+=head2 netapp_delete_file
+ Parameters  : $s, $file_path
+ Returns     : 1(success) or 0(failure)
+ Description : deletes a file at the path $file_path on the NetApp
+               backing $s.
+sub netapp_delete_file
+       my $s = $_[0];
+       my $file_path = $_[1];
+       my $in = NaElement->new("file-delete-file");
+       $in->child_add_string("path",$file_path);
+       my $out = $s->invoke_elem($in);
+       if($out->results_status() eq "failed") {
+               notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, $out->results_reason() ."\n");
+               return 0;
+       } else {
+               notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "Deleted file $file_path on 
+               return 1;
+       }
+=head2 netapp_fileclone
+ Parameters  : $s, $source_path, $dest_path
+ Returns     : 1(success) or 0(failure)
+ Description : clones the file $source_path to $dest_path on a NetApp
+               storage system backing $s
+sub netapp_fileclone
+       my $s = $_[0];
+       my $source_path = $_[1];
+       my $dest_path = $_[2];
+       my $in = NaElement->new("clone-start");
+       $in->child_add_string("source-path",$source_path);
+       $in->child_add_string("destination-path",$dest_path);
+       $in->child_add_string("no-snap","false");
+       # 
+    # Invoke clone-start API
+       # 
+       my $out = $s->invoke_elem($in);
+       if($out->results_status() eq "failed") {
+               notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, $out->results_reason() ."\n");
+               return 0;
+       } else {
+               return 1;
+       }
+=head2 capture
+ Parameters  : $request_data_hash_reference
+ Returns     : 1 if sucessful, 0 if failed
+ Description : Creates a new vmware image.
+sub capture {
+       notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, 
+       notify($ERRORS{'OK'},    0, "Entering ESX Capture routine");
+       my $self = shift;
+       #check to make sure this call is for the esxthin module
+       if (ref($self) !~ /esxthin/i) {
+               notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "subroutine was called as a 
function, it must be called as a class method");
+               return 0;
+       }
+       my $request_data = shift;
+       my ($package, $filename, $line, $sub) = caller(0);
+       my $vmhost_hostname    = $self->data->get_vmhost_hostname;
+       my $new_imagename      = $self->data->get_image_name;
+       my $computer_shortname = $self->data->get_computer_short_name;
+       my $image_identity     = $self->data->get_image_identity;
+       my $vmhost_username    = $self->data->get_vmhost_profile_username();
+       my $vmhost_password    = $self->data->get_vmhost_profile_password();
+       $vmhost_hostname =~ /([-_a-zA-Z0-9]*)(\.?)/;
+       my $vmhost_shortname = $1;
+       #Get the config datastore information from the database
+       my $datastore_ip;
+       my $datastore_share_path;
+       ($datastore_ip, $datastore_share_path) = split(":", 
+       my $old_vmpath = "$datastore_share_path/inuse/$computer_shortname";
+       my $new_vmpath = "$datastore_share_path/golden/$new_imagename";
+       #RRRRRRRRR
+       my $old_vmpath = "/vol/images/inuse/$computer_shortname";
+       my $new_vmpath = "/vol/images/golden/$new_imagename";
+       # These three vars are useful:
+       # $old_vmpath, $new_vmpath, $new_imagename
+       notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "SSHing to node to configure 
+       # XXX SHOULD INSTEAD USE write_currentimage_txt IN
+       my @sshcmd = run_ssh_command($computer_shortname, $image_identity, 
"echo $new_imagename > /root/currentimage.txt");
+       my $poweroff_command = "$VMTOOL_ROOT/vm/";
+       $poweroff_command .= " --server '$vmhost_shortname'";
+       $poweroff_command .= " --vmname $computer_shortname";
+       $poweroff_command .= " --operation poweroff";
+       $poweroff_command .= " --username $vmhost_username";
+       $poweroff_command .= " --password '$vmhost_password'";
+       notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "Power off command: $poweroff_command");
+       my $poweroff_output;
+       $poweroff_output = `$poweroff_command`;
+       notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "Powered off: $poweroff_output");
+       notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "Waiting 5 seconds for power off");
+       sleep(5);
+       my $s = netapp_login();
+       netapp_rename_dir($s,$old_vmpath,$new_vmpath);
+       return 1;
+} ## end sub capture
+=head2 node_status
+ Parameters  : $nodename, $log
+ Returns     : array of related status checks
+ Description : checks on sshd, currentimage
+sub node_status {
+       my $self = shift;
+       my ($package, $filename, $line, $sub) = caller(0);
+       my $vmpath             = 0;
+       my $datastorepath      = 0;
+       my $requestedimagename = 0;
+       my $vmhost_type        = 0;
+       my $vmhost_hostname    = 0;
+       my $vmhost_imagename   = 0;
+       my $image_os_type      = 0;
+       my $vmclient_shortname = 0;
+       my $request_forimaging = 0;
+       my $identity_keys      = 0;
+       my $log                = 0;
+       my $computer_node_name = 0;
+       # Check if subroutine was called as a class method
+       if (ref($self) !~ /esxthin/i) {
+               notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "subroutine was called as a function");
+               if (ref($self) eq 'HASH') {
+                       $log = $self->{logfile};
+                       #notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, $log, "self is a hash 
+                       $vmpath             = 
+                       $datastorepath      = 
+                       $requestedimagename = 
+                       $vmhost_type        = 
+                       $vmhost_hostname    = $self->{vmhost}->{hostname};
+                       $vmhost_imagename   = $self->{vmhost}->{imagename};
+                       $image_os_type      = $self->{image}->{OS}->{type};
+                       $computer_node_name = $self->{computer}->{hostname};
+                       $identity_keys      = $self->{managementnode}->{keys};
+               } ## end if (ref($self) eq 'HASH')
+                   # Check if node_status returned an array ref
+               elsif (ref($self) eq 'ARRAY') {
+                       notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, $log, "self is a array 
+               }
+               $vmclient_shortname = $1 if ($computer_node_name =~ 
+       } ## end if (ref($self) !~ /esxthin/i)
+       else {
+               # try to contact vm
+               # $self->data->get_request_data;
+               # get state of vm
+               $vmpath             = $self->data->get_vmhost_profile_vmpath;
+               $datastorepath      = 
+               $requestedimagename = $self->data->get_image_name;
+               $vmhost_type        = $self->data->get_vmhost_type;
+               $vmhost_hostname    = $self->data->get_vmhost_hostname;
+               $vmhost_imagename   = $self->data->get_vmhost_image_name;
+               $image_os_type      = $self->data->get_image_os_type;
+               $vmclient_shortname = $self->data->get_computer_short_name;
+               $request_forimaging = $self->data->get_request_forimaging();
+       } ## end else [ if (ref($self) !~ /esxthin/i)
+       notify($ERRORS{'OK'},    0, "Entering node_status, checking status of 
+       notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "request_for_imaging: $request_forimaging");
+       notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "requeseted image name: 
+       my ($hostnode, $identity);
+       # Create a hash to store status components
+       my %status;
+       # Initialize all hash keys here to make sure they're defined
+       $status{status}       = 0;
+       $status{currentimage} = 0;
+       $status{ping}         = 0;
+       $status{ssh}          = 0;
+       $status{vmstate}      = 0;    #on or off
+       $status{image_match}  = 0;
+       if ($vmhost_type eq "blade") {
+               $hostnode = $1 if ($vmhost_hostname =~ /([-_a-zA-Z0-9]*)(\.?)/);
+               $identity = $IDENTITY_bladerhel;    #if($vm{vmhost}{imagename} 
=~ /^(rhel|rh3image|rh4image|fc|rhfc)/);
+       }
+       else {
+               #using FQHN
+               $hostnode = $vmhost_hostname;
+               $identity = $IDENTITY_linux_lab if ($vmhost_imagename =~ 
+       }
+       if (!$identity) {
+               notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "could not set ssh identity 
variable for image $vmhost_imagename type= $vmhost_type host= 
+       }
+       # Check if node is pingable
+       notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "checking if $vmclient_shortname is 
+       if (_pingnode($vmclient_shortname)) {
+               $status{ping} = 1;
+               notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "$vmclient_shortname is pingable 
+       }
+       else {
+               notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "$vmclient_shortname is not pingable 
+               $status{status} = 'RELOAD';
+               return $status{status};
+       }
+       #
+       #my $vmx_directory = "$requestedimagename$vmclient_shortname";
+       #my $myvmx         = 
+       #my $mybasedirname = $requestedimagename;
+       #my $myimagename   = $requestedimagename;
+       notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "Trying to ssh...");
+       #can I ssh into it
+       my $sshd = _sshd_status($vmclient_shortname, $requestedimagename, 
+       #is it running the requested image
+       if ($sshd eq "on") {
+               notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "SSH good, trying to query image 
+               $status{ssh} = 1;
+               my $identity = $IDENTITY_bladerhel;
+               my @sshcmd = run_ssh_command($vmclient_shortname, $identity, 
"cat currentimage.txt");
+               $status{currentimage} = $sshcmd[1][0];
+               notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "Image name: 
+               if ($status{currentimage}) {
+                       chomp($status{currentimage});
+                       if ($status{currentimage} =~ /$requestedimagename/) {
+                               $status{image_match} = 1;
+                               notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "$vmclient_shortname 
is loaded with requestedimagename $requestedimagename");
+                       }
+                       else {
+                               notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "$vmclient_shortname 
reports current image is currentimage= $status{currentimage} 
requestedimagename= $requestedimagename");
+                       }
+               } ## end if ($status{currentimage})
+       } ## end if ($sshd eq "on")
+       # Determine the overall machine status based on the individual status 
+       if ($status{ssh} && $status{image_match}) {
+               $status{status} = 'READY';
+       }
+       else {
+               $status{status} = 'RELOAD';
+       }
+       notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "status set to $status{status}");
+       if ($request_forimaging) {
+               $status{status} = 'RELOAD';
+               notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "request_forimaging set, setting 
status to RELOAD");
+       }
+       notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "returning node status hash reference 
+       return \%status;
+} ## end sub node_status
+sub does_image_exist {
+       my $self = shift;
+       if (ref($self) !~ /esxthin/i) {
+               notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "subroutine was called as a 
function, it must be called as a class method");
+               return 0;
+       }
+       my $image_identity = $self->data->get_image_identity;
+       my $image_name     = $self->data->get_image_name();
+       #Get the config datastore information from the database
+       my $datastore_ip;
+       my $datastore_share_path;
+       ($datastore_ip, $datastore_share_path) = split(":", 
+       if (!$image_name) {
+               notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "unable to determine if image 
exists, unable to determine image name");
+               return 0;
+       }
+       my $s = netapp_login();
+       #RRRRRRRRR
+       if (netapp_is_dir($s,"/vol/images/golden/$image_name") == 1) {
+               notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "Image $image_name exists");
+               return 1;
+       } else {
+               notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "Image $image_name DOES NOT 
+               return 0;
+       }
+} ## end sub does_image_exist
+=head2  get_image_size
+ Parameters  : imagename
+ Returns     : 0 failure or size of image
+ Description : in size of Kilobytes
+sub get_image_size {
+       my $self = shift;
+       if (ref($self) !~ /esxthin/i) {
+               notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "subroutine was called as a 
function, it must be called as a class method");
+               return 0;
+       }
+       # Either use a passed parameter as the image name or use the one stored 
in this object's DataStructure
+       my $image_name     = shift;
+       my $image_identity = $self->data->get_image_identity;
+       $image_name = $self->data->get_image_name() if !$image_name;
+       if (!$image_name) {
+               notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "image name could not be 
+               return 0;
+       }
+       notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "getting size of image: $image_name");
+       #Get the config datastore information from the database
+       my $datastore_ip;
+       my $datastore_share_path;
+       ($datastore_ip, $datastore_share_path) = split(":", 
+       my $IMAGEREPOSITORY = "$datastore_share_path/golden/$image_name";
+       my $IMAGEREPOSITORY = "/vol/images/golden/$image_name/image-flat.vmdk";
+       my $s = netapp_login();
+       return int(netapp_get_size($s,$IMAGEREPOSITORY) / 1024);
+} ## end sub get_image_size
+sub get_vmware_host_info {
+       my $self = shift;
+       #check to make sure this call is for the esxthin module
+       if (ref($self) !~ /esxthin/i) {
+               notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "subroutine was called as a 
function, it must be called as a class method");
+               return 0;
+       }
+       #Get passed arguement
+       my $field = shift;
+       if (!$field) {
+               notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "unable to determine passed field 
+               return 0;
+       }
+       # Get additional information
+       my $vmhost_hostname = $self->data->get_vmhost_hostname;
+       my $vmhost_username = $self->data->get_vmhost_profile_username();
+       my $vmhost_password = $self->data->get_vmhost_profile_password();
+       $vmhost_hostname =~ /([-_a-zA-Z0-9]*)(\.?)/;
+       my $vmhost_shortname = $1;
+       my $vmhost_info_cmd = "$VMTOOL_ROOT/host/ --username 
$vmhost_username --password $vmhost_password --server $vmhost_shortname 
--fields $field";
+       my @info_output     = `$vmhost_info_cmd`;
+       notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "host info output for $vmhost_shortname 
+       #Parse output
+       foreach my $l (@info_output) {
+               if ($l =~ /([a-zA-Z1-9]*):\s*([-_.a-zA-Z1-9]*)/) {
+                       notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "found hostname_value= $2");
+                       return $2;
+               }
+       }
+       notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "no value found for $field output= 
+       return 0;
+} ## end sub get_vmware_host_info
+=head1 AUTHOR
+ Brian Bouterse <>
+ Apache VCL incubator project
+ Copyright 2009 The Apache Software Foundation
+ This product includes software developed at
+ The Apache Software Foundation (
+=head1 SEE ALSO

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