Author: jfthomps
Date: Wed Feb  3 17:14:33 2010
New Revision: 906128


moved showResStatusPane here from code.js
moved showWindow here from code.js
moved selectEnvironment here from code.js
moved updateWaitTime here from code.js
moved setMaxRequestLength here from code.js
moved resRefresh here from code.js


created updateBlockStatus
created updateBlockStatusCB


Added: incubator/vcl/trunk/web/js/requests.js
--- incubator/vcl/trunk/web/js/requests.js (added)
+++ incubator/vcl/trunk/web/js/requests.js Wed Feb  3 17:14:33 2010
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+function RPCwrapper(data, CB, dojson) {
+       if(dojson) {
+               dojo.xhrPost({
+                       url: 'index.php',
+                       load: CB,
+                       handleAs: "json-comment-filtered",
+                       error: errorHandler,
+                       content: data,
+                       timeout: 15000
+               });
+       }
+       else {
+               dojo.xhrPost({
+                       url: 'index.php',
+                       load: CB,
+                       error: errorHandler,
+                       content: data,
+                       timeout: 15000
+               });
+       }
+function generalReqCB(data, ioArgs) {
+       eval(data);
+ = 'default';
+function updateBlockStatus() {
+       var cont = document.getElementById('updatecont').value;
+       xhrobj = dojo.xhrPost({
+               url: 'index.php',
+               load: updateBlockStatusCB,
+               handleAs: "json-comment-filtered",
+               error: errorHandler,
+               content: {continuation: cont},
+               timeout: 15000
+       });
+function updateBlockStatusCB(data, ioArgs) {
+               document.getElementById('available').innerHTML = 
+               document.getElementById('reloading').innerHTML = 
+               document.getElementById('used').innerHTML = data.items.used;
+               document.getElementById('failed').innerHTML = data.items.failed;
+       setTimeout(updateBlockStatus, 30000);
+function selectEnvironment() {
+       var imageid = dojo.byId('imagesel').value;
+       if(maxTimes[imageid])
+               setMaxRequestLength(maxTimes[imageid]);
+       else
+               setMaxRequestLength(defaultMaxTime);
+       updateWaitTime(1);
+function updateWaitTime(cleardesc) {
+       var desconly = 0;
+       if(cleardesc)
+               dojo.byId('imgdesc').innerHTML = '';
+       dojo.byId('waittime').innerHTML = '';
+       if(! dojo.byId('timenow').checked) {
+               dojo.byId('waittime').className = 'hidden';
+               desconly = 1;
+       }
+       if(dojo.byId('openend') &&
+          dojo.byId('openend').checked) {
+               dojo.byId('waittime').className = 'hidden';
+               desconly = 1;
+       }
+       var imageid = dojo.byId('imagesel').value;
+       if(dojo.byId('reqlength'))
+               var length = dojo.byId('reqlength').value;
+       else
+               var length = 480;
+       var contid = dojo.byId('waitcontinuation').value;
+       var data = {continuation: contid,
+                   imageid: imageid,
+                   length: length,
+                   desconly: desconly};
+       if(! desconly)
+               dojo.byId('waittime').className = 'shown';
+       //setLoading();
+ = 'wait';
+       RPCwrapper(data, generalReqCB);
+function setMaxRequestLength(minutes) {
+       var obj = dojo.byId('reqlength');
+       var i;
+       var text;
+       var newminutes;
+       var tmp;
+       for(i = obj.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+               if(parseInt(obj.options[i].value) > minutes)
+                       obj.options[i] = null;
+       }
+       for(i = obj.length - 1; obj.options[i].value < minutes; i++) {
+               // if last option is < 60, add 1 hr
+               if(parseInt(obj.options[i].value) < 60 &&
+                       minutes >= 60) {
+                       text = '1 hour';
+                       newminutes = 60;
+               }
+               // if option > 46 hours, add as days
+               else if(parseInt(obj.options[i].value) > 2640) {
+                       var len = parseInt(obj.options[i].value);
+                       if(len == 2760)
+                               len = 1440;
+                       if(len % 1440)
+                               len = len - (len % 1440);
+                       else
+                               len = len + 1440;
+                       text = len / 1440 + ' days';
+                       newminutes = len;
+                       var foo = 'bar';
+               }
+               // else add in 2 hr chuncks up to max
+               else {
+                       tmp = parseInt(obj.options[i].value);
+                       if(tmp % 120)
+                               tmp = tmp - (tmp % 120);
+                       newminutes = tmp + 120;
+                       if(newminutes < minutes)
+                               text = (newminutes / 60) + ' hours';
+                       else {
+                               newminutes = minutes;
+                               tmp = newminutes - (newminutes % 60);
+                               if(newminutes % 60)
+                                       if(newminutes % 60 < 10)
+                                               text = (tmp / 60) + ':0' + 
(newminutes % 60) + ' hours';
+                                       else
+                                               text = (tmp / 60) + ':' + 
(newminutes % 60) + ' hours';
+                               else
+                                       text = (tmp / 60) + ' hours';
+                       }
+               }
+               obj.options[i + 1] = new Option(text, newminutes);
+       }
+function resRefresh() {
+       if(! dojo.byId('resRefreshCont'))
+               return;
+       var contid = dojo.byId('resRefreshCont').value;
+       var reqid = dojo.byId('detailreqid').value;
+       if(! dijit.byId('resStatusPane')) {
+               window.location.reload();
+               return;
+       }
+       /*if(dojo.widget.byId('resStatusPane').windowState == 'minimized')
+               var incdetails = 0;
+       else*/
+               var incdetails = 1;
+       var data = {continuation: contid,
+                   incdetails: incdetails,
+                   reqid: reqid};
+       RPCwrapper(data, generalReqCB);
+function showResStatusPane(reqid) {
+       var currdetailid = dojo.byId('detailreqid').value;
+       /*if(! dojo.widget.byId('resStatusPane')) {
+               window.location.reload();
+               return;
+       }*/
+       var obj = dijit.byId('resStatusPane');
+       if(currdetailid != reqid) {
+               dojo.byId('detailreqid').value = reqid;
+               dojo.byId('resStatusText').innerHTML = 'Loading...';
+       }
+       var disp = dijit.byId('resStatusPane');
+       if(disp == 'hidden')
+               showWindow('resStatusPane');
+       if(currdetailid != reqid) {
+               if(typeof(refresh_timer) != "undefined")
+                       clearTimeout(refresh_timer);
+               resRefresh();
+       }
+function showWindow(name) {
+       var x = mouseX;
+       var y = mouseY;
+       var obj = dijit.byId(name);
+       var coords = obj._naturalState;
+       if(coords.t == 0 && coords.l == 0) {
+               coords.l = x;
+               var newtop = y - (coords.h / 2);
+               coords.t = newtop;
+               obj.resize(coords);
+       }

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