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Hello Everyone,

I'm running a new install of VCL 2.2

Whenever I'm logged in as 'ad...@local', and
access 'Block Allocations', I get the following error.

> Block Allocation Requests
> Unknown column 'b.comments' in 'field list'
> SELECT b.id, b.imageid, i.prettyname AS image, b.numMachines, b.groupid AS 
> usergroupid, CONCAT(ug.name, '@', a.name) AS `group`, b.repeating, b.ownerid, 
> u.unityid, u.firstname, u.lastname, u.email, DATE_FORMAT(b.expireTime, 
> '%m/%d/%y') AS lastdate, b.comments FROM image i, user u, blockRequest b LEFT 
> JOIN usergroup ug ON (b.groupid = ug.id) LEFT JOIN affiliation a ON 
> (ug.affiliationid = a.id) WHERE status = 'requested' AND b.imageid = i.id AND 
> b.ownerid = u.id
> ERROR(101): General MySQL error
> Backtrace:
> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> Call#:1 => index.php:blockAllocations() (line#:85)
> Call#:2 => blockallocations.php:getPendingBlockHTML() (line#:59)
> Call#:3 => blockallocations.php:doQuery() (line#:1723)
> Backtrace with Arguments:
> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> Call#:1 => index.php:blockAllocations() (line#:85)
> Arguments(none):
> -----------------------
> Call#:2 => blockallocations.php:getPendingBlockHTML() (line#:59)
> Arguments(none):
> -----------------------
> Call#:3 => blockallocations.php:doQuery() (line#:1723)
> Arguments(2)
> Argument#: 1 => SELECT b.id, b.imageid, i.prettyname AS image, b.numMachines, 
> b.groupid AS usergroupid, CONCAT(ug.name, '@', a.name) AS `group`, 
> b.repeating, b.ownerid, u.unityid, u.firstname, u.lastname, u.email, 
> DATE_FORMAT(b.expireTime, '%m/%d/%y') AS lastdate, b.comments FROM image i, 
> user u, blockRequest b LEFT JOIN usergroup ug ON (b.groupid = ug.id) LEFT 
> JOIN affiliation a ON (ug.affiliationid = a.id) WHERE status = 'requested' 
> AND b.imageid = i.id AND b.ownerid = u.id
> Argument#: 2 => 101
> -----------------------

I checked the vcl database, and there is no 'comments' field in the
'blockRequest' table.

Should I add a 'comments' field? If so, what data type?
Or, should I modify the php code and change the mysql query?

Any ideas?


__Jim O'Dell
- -- 
Jim O'Dell
Network Analyst
California State University Fullerton
Email: jod...@fullerton.edu
Phone: (657) 278-2256
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org/


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