
I insert my code to the function allocComputer in the utils.php. The main function of my code is randomly pick up a machine from the computer array and return it to the caller. The reason is that I want to distribute the reserved virtual machine to different blades, therefore balance the workload.

Generally, what I am doing is that, I check the length of available computer in the array first, and randomly pick up machines from the array. Then I exchange this machine's id with array(0). At last, I pass this array to original allocComputer code to check computer's availability and set up the computer id.

This is simple code to achieve the some extent of distribution. For your reference, this is my allocComputer code.



/// \fn allocComputer($blockids, $currentids, $computerids, $start,
///                   $nowfuture)
/// \param $blockids - array of computer ids
/// \param $currentids - array of computer ids
/// \param $computerids - array of computer ids
/// \param $start - start time in datetime format
/// \param $nowfuture - "now" or "future"
/// \return empty array if failed to allocate a computer; array with these keys
/// on success:\n
/// \b compid - id of computer\n
/// \b mgmtid - id of management node for computer\n
/// \b loaded - 0 or 1 - whether or not computer is loaded with desired image
/// \brief determines a computer to use from $blockids, $currentids,
/// and $computerids, looking at the arrays in that order and
/// tries to allocate a management node for it
function allocComputer($blockids, $currentids, $computerids, $start,
                      $nowfuture) {
        $ret = array();

        if (count($blockids) > 0)
                $random_number = rand(0,count($blockids) - 1);
                while($blockids[$random_number] == null)
                        $random_number = rand(0,count($blockids) - 1);
                $tp = $blockids[0];
                $blockids[0] = $blockids[$random_number];
                $blockids[$random_number] = $tp;
#               printArray($blockids);
        foreach($blockids as $compid) {
                $mgmtnodeid = findManagementNode($compid, $start, $nowfuture);
                if($mgmtnodeid == 0)
                $ret['compid'] = $compid;
                $ret['mgmtid'] = $mgmtnodeid;
                $ret['loaded'] = 1;
                return $ret;

        if (count($currentids) > 0)
                $random_number1 = rand(0,count($currentids) - 1);
                while($currentids[$random_number1] == null)
                        $random_number1 = rand(0,count($currentids) - 1);
                $tp1 = $currentids[0];
                $currentids[0] = $currentids[$random_number1];
                $currentids[$random_number1] = $tp1;
#               printArray($currentids);
        foreach($currentids as $compid) {
                $mgmtnodeid = findManagementNode($compid, $start, $nowfuture);
                if($mgmtnodeid == 0)
                $ret['compid'] = $compid;
                $ret['mgmtid'] = $mgmtnodeid;
                $ret['loaded'] = 1;
                return $ret;

        if (count($computerids) > 0)
                $random_number2 = rand(0,count($computerids) - 1);
                while($computerids[$random_number2] == null)
                        $random_number2 = rand(0,count($computerids) - 1);
                $tp2 = $computerids[0];
                $computerids[0] = $computerids[$random_number2];
                $computerids[$random_number2] = $tp2;
#               printArray($computerids);
        foreach($computerids as $compid) {
                $mgmtnodeid = findManagementNode($compid, $start, $nowfuture);
                if($mgmtnodeid == 0)
                $ret['compid'] = $compid;
                $ret['mgmtid'] = $mgmtnodeid;
                $ret['loaded'] = 0;
                return $ret;
        return $ret;

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