The memory setting is the only one that is used when the VM is created. The other VCL computer settings are ignored.

We could easily configure the number of CPUs a VM is configured with based on the VCL computer setting. I have never looked into the more advanced vmx file CPU settings. I have yet to find an all-inclusive page listing the possible vmx settings, but this site has good info:

You can try out different settings by editing the vmx file and restarting the VM. I don't know exactly what they do, but you may want to try:

If you find any additional settings that are helpful, we can look at incorporating them into the code.


Alexander Patterson wrote:

Having a bit of an issue with setting CPU speeds on the different
VMware accounts.

I am able to change ram on both the VCL web base side and the local
host php side. That works well.
On the php my admin computer side. I'm trying to give my Vmguest
accounts more speed. All vmware guest show up at 1.6ghz off a 2.4ghz
Xeon Core.

So it's using 1600mhz with a single core.
I thought that this was due to a hal file. I have changed the php side
for 2 cores. The image Side for 2 cores and made the image a muticore
hal. The vmware guest account still shows up at 1.6ghz at 2.4ghz

See attached picture.
<a href=""; target="_blank"><img
src=""; border="0" alt="Image and
video hosting by TinyPic"></a>

I can change the numbers on either side, but when any of the vmware
images are loaded. I only get 1.6ghz of speed, the ram is switching
just fine just not the cpu speed?

Does anyone have a solution or any idea on why this is not changing?

Here is a typical PHP side settings for my vmware guest accounts
Ram     1536 (Changing this isn't an issue and works great)     
Processor Speed 2000 (Always shows up at 1.6ghz no more what speed
Number of Cores 1 (If i change it to 2 up to 8, it always stays at 1)
In the vmware guest account
Network Speed 100       
Private XX
Mac XX
Mac XX
Type virtualmachine     
Virtual host type 2     
and hda         

Alex  Patterson
California State University, East Bay

Andy Kurth
Virtual Computing Lab
Office of Information Technology
North Carolina State University

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