A good VM to test the esx.pm deployment functionality of VCL with is located here: http://www.rpath.org/project/lamp/build?id=13548 Place all the files into a folder inside the golden area of your VCL image library.

To add the image into the VCL here are some instructions for a linux image: https://wiki.oscr.ncsu.edu/wiki/index.php/Creating_a_base_linux_ESX_image_for_VCL

Here is a high level of what those instructions should help you accomplish:

First, be sure to rename all files to the naming convention: esx3- YOURIMAGENAME-v0

Boot up the VM and make sure of the following
give it the right number of nics (2)
make all nics dhcp
ensure the "private" nic gets a 10. address from VCL when it DHCP's and the "public" nic gets an IP from your dhcp system ensure that the root user on your VCL VM can ssh to the image's 10. address with no password (setup authorized keys) Before shutting down the VM in the library for the last time, remove the udev NIC rules at (/etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules)

E-mail the vcl-dev list if you have any problems.


Brian Bouterse
Secure Open Systems Initiative

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