By any chance did you install Cygwin as a user other than root?  This
can cause all sorts of permission problems like what you're
experiencing.  Either way, I would recommend uninstalling Cygwin and
reinstalling it while logged in as root.  Uninstalling Cygwin pretty
much involves deleting C:\cygwin.  You may have to take ownership via
the Windows GUI and grant Full Control to root in order to delete it.

Also FYI, it appears that you're trying to capture an XP image.
However, if/when you attempt to capture a Win7 or 2008 image be sure
to disable User Account Control and reboot before installing Cygwin.
Similar permission problems will occur otherwise.

Hope this helps,

On Wed, Aug 3, 2011 at 6:38 PM, Alexander Patterson
<> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm having an issue with VCL 2.2.1 I have my old images and If I try
> to create or update them I run into this error
> error occurred setting root as the owner of /home/root, error output:
> `/home/root/.ssh': Permission denied
> chown -R root /home/root/.ssh has been set
> I have my root dir as chmod 777
> The .ssh file is set to 700
> Here is the log
> 2011-08-03 
> 15:31:52|31856|56238:55974|image||set
> overridden vmx file path:
> '/vmfs/volumes/netappfiler02-sata1/vmguest-37_114-v4/vmguest-37_114-v4.vmx'
> 2011-08-03 
> 15:31:52|31856|56238:55974|image||returning
> previously retrieved info from vmx file:
> /vmfs/volumes/netappfiler02-sata1/vmguest-37_114-v4/vmguest-37_114-v4.vmx
> 2011-08-03 15:31:52|31856|56238:55974|image||vmx
> info for VM vmguest-37 being captured:
> |31856|56238:55974|image| : {
> |31856|56238:55974|image| :   ".encoding" => "UTF-8",
> |31856|56238:55974|image| :   "cleanshutdown" => "FALSE",
> |31856|56238:55974|image| :   "computer_id" => 41,
> |31856|56238:55974|image| :   "config.version" => 8,
> |31856|56238:55974|image| :   "disk.locking" => "false",
> |31856|56238:55974|image| :   "displayname" =>
> "vmguest-37:vmwarewinxp-CSUEBVisualStudio2010Express114-v4
> (persistent)",
> |31856|56238:55974|image| :   "ethernet0.address" => "00:50:56:2a:3b:4a",
> |31856|56238:55974|image| :   "ethernet0.addresstype" => "static",
> |31856|56238:55974|image| :   "ethernet0.connectiontype" => "bridged",
> |31856|56238:55974|image| :   "ethernet0.networkname" => "VLAN-private",
> |31856|56238:55974|image| :   "ethernet0.pcislotnumber" => 32,
> |31856|56238:55974|image| :   "ethernet0.present" => "TRUE",
> |31856|56238:55974|image| :   "ethernet0.virtualdev" => "vlance",
> |31856|56238:55974|image| :   "ethernet1.address" => "00:50:56:2a:3b:4b",
> |31856|56238:55974|image| :   "ethernet1.addresstype" => "static",
> |31856|56238:55974|image| :   "ethernet1.connectiontype" => "bridged",
> |31856|56238:55974|image| :   "ethernet1.networkname" => "VLAN-public",
> |31856|56238:55974|image| :   "ethernet1.pcislotnumber" => 33,
> |31856|56238:55974|image| :   "ethernet1.present" => "TRUE",
> |31856|56238:55974|image| :   "ethernet1.virtualdev" => "vlance",
> |31856|56238:55974|image| :   "evccompatibilitymode" => "FALSE",
> |31856|56238:55974|image| :   "extendedconfigfile" => 
> "vmguest-37_114-v4.vmxf",
> |31856|56238:55974|image| :   "floppy0.present" => "FALSE",
> |31856|56238:55974|image| :   "guestcpuid.0" =>
> "0000000b756e65476c65746e49656e69",
> |31856|56238:55974|image| :   "guestcpuid.1" =>
> "000106a500010800809822010febfbff",
> |31856|56238:55974|image| :   "guestcpuid.80000001" =>
> "00000000000000000000000128100800",
> |31856|56238:55974|image| :   "guestos" => "winxppro",
> |31856|56238:55974|image| :   "gui.exitonclihlt" => "TRUE",
> |31856|56238:55974|image| :   "hostcpuid.0" =>
> "0000000b756e65476c65746e49656e69",
> |31856|56238:55974|image| :   "hostcpuid.1" =>
> "000106a500100800009ce3bdbfebfbff",
> |31856|56238:55974|image| :   "hostcpuid.80000001" =>
> "00000000000000000000000128100800",
> |31856|56238:55974|image| :   "ide0:0.filename" =>
> "/vmfs/volumes/netappfiler02-sata1/vmguest-37_114-v4/vmguest-37_114-v4.vmdk",
> |31856|56238:55974|image| :   "ide0:0.mode" => "independent-persistent",
> |31856|56238:55974|image| :   "ide0:0.present" => "TRUE",
> |31856|56238:55974|image| :   "ide0:0.redo" => "",
> |31856|56238:55974|image| :   "ide0:0.sharedbus" => "none",
> |31856|56238:55974|image| :   "ide0:0.writethrough" => "TRUE",
> |31856|56238:55974|image| :   "image_id" => 114,
> |31856|56238:55974|image| :   "imagerevision_id" => 264,
> |31856|56238:55974|image| :   "mainmem.usenamedfile" => "FALSE",
> |31856|56238:55974|image| :   "memsize" => 1536,
> |31856|56238:55974|image| :   "memtrimrate" => 0,
> |31856|56238:55974|image| :   "msg.autoanswer" => "TRUE",
> |31856|56238:55974|image| :   "numvcpus" => 1,
> |31856|56238:55974|image| :   "pcibridge0.pcislotnumber" => 17,
> |31856|56238:55974|image| :   "pcibridge0.present" => "TRUE",
> |31856|56238:55974|image| :   "pcibridge4.functions" => 8,
> |31856|56238:55974|image| :   "pcibridge4.pcislotnumber" => 21,
> |31856|56238:55974|image| :   "pcibridge4.present" => "TRUE",
> |31856|56238:55974|image| :   "pcibridge4.virtualdev" => "pcieRootPort",
> |31856|56238:55974|image| :   "pcibridge5.functions" => 8,
> |31856|56238:55974|image| :   "pcibridge5.pcislotnumber" => 22,
> |31856|56238:55974|image| :   "pcibridge5.present" => "TRUE",
> |31856|56238:55974|image| :   "pcibridge5.virtualdev" => "pcieRootPort",
> |31856|56238:55974|image| :   "pcibridge6.functions" => 8,
> |31856|56238:55974|image| :   "pcibridge6.pcislotnumber" => 23,
> |31856|56238:55974|image| :   "pcibridge6.present" => "TRUE",
> |31856|56238:55974|image| :   "pcibridge6.virtualdev" => "pcieRootPort",
> |31856|56238:55974|image| :   "pcibridge7.functions" => 8,
> |31856|56238:55974|image| :   "pcibridge7.pcislotnumber" => 24,
> |31856|56238:55974|image| :   "pcibridge7.present" => "TRUE",
> |31856|56238:55974|image| :   "pcibridge7.virtualdev" => "pcieRootPort",
> |31856|56238:55974|image| :   "powertype.poweroff" => "soft",
> |31856|56238:55974|image| :   "powertype.poweron" => "hard",
> |31856|56238:55974|image| :   "powertype.reset" => "soft",
> |31856|56238:55974|image| :   "powertype.suspend" => "hard",
> |31856|56238:55974|image| :   "replay.supported" => "FALSE",
> |31856|56238:55974|image| :   "sched.mem.pshare.enable" => "FALSE",
> |31856|56238:55974|image| :   "sched.swap.derivedname" =>
> "/vmfs/volumes/b254e2be-e75868fb/vmguest-37_114-v4/vmguest-37_114-v4-92eeafbd.vswp",
> |31856|56238:55974|image| :   "snapshot.disabled" => "TRUE",
> |31856|56238:55974|image| :   "svga.autodetect" => "TRUE",
> |31856|56238:55974|image| :   "svga.vramsize" => 16777216,
> |31856|56238:55974|image| :   "tools.remindinstall" => "FALSE",
> |31856|56238:55974|image| :   "tools.synctime" => "FALSE",
> |31856|56238:55974|image| :   "toolscripts.afterpoweron" => "FALSE",
> |31856|56238:55974|image| :   "toolscripts.afterresume" => "FALSE",
> |31856|56238:55974|image| :   "toolscripts.beforepoweroff" => "FALSE",
> |31856|56238:55974|image| :   "toolscripts.beforesuspend" => "FALSE",
> |31856|56238:55974|image| :   "usercpuid.0" =>
> "0000000b756e65476c65746e49656e69",
> |31856|56238:55974|image| :   "usercpuid.1" =>
> "000106a500100800009822010febfbff",
> |31856|56238:55974|image| :   "usercpuid.80000001" =>
> "00000000000000000000000128100800",
> |31856|56238:55974|image| :   "uuid.action" => "keep",
> |31856|56238:55974|image| :   "uuid.bios" => "56 4d 1b 88 36 f4 56
> 22-8b 80 4c b4 cc 54 f0 42",
> |31856|56238:55974|image| :   "uuid.location" => "56 4d 1b 88 36 f4 56
> 22-8b 80 4c b4 cc 54 f0 42",
> |31856|56238:55974|image| :   "virtualhw.productcompatibility" => "hosted",
> |31856|56238:55974|image| :   "virtualhw.version" => 7,
> |31856|56238:55974|image| :   "" => -866848702,
> |31856|56238:55974|image| :   "vmci0.pcislotnumber" => 34,
> |31856|56238:55974|image| :   "vmci0.present" => "TRUE",
> |31856|56238:55974|image| :   "vmdk" => {
> |31856|56238:55974|image| :     "ide0:0" => {
> |31856|56238:55974|image| :       "mode" => "independent-persistent",
> |31856|56238:55974|image| :       "present" => "TRUE",
> |31856|56238:55974|image| :       "redo" => "",
> |31856|56238:55974|image| :       "sharedbus" => "none",
> |31856|56238:55974|image| :       "vmdk_directory_path" =>
> "/vmfs/volumes/netappfiler02-sata1/vmguest-37_114-v4",
> |31856|56238:55974|image| :       "vmdk_file_name" => "vmguest-37_114-v4",
> |31856|56238:55974|image| :       "vmdk_file_path" =>
> "/vmfs/volumes/netappfiler02-sata1/vmguest-37_114-v4/vmguest-37_114-v4.vmdk",
> |31856|56238:55974|image| :       "writethrough" => "TRUE"
> |31856|56238:55974|image| :     }
> |31856|56238:55974|image| :   },
> |31856|56238:55974|image| :   "vmotion.checkpointfbsize" => 16777216,
> |31856|56238:55974|image| :   "vmx_directory_path" =>
> "/vmfs/volumes/netappfiler02-sata1/vmguest-37_114-v4",
> |31856|56238:55974|image| :   "vmx_file_name" => "vmguest-37_114-v4.vmx"
> |31856|56238:55974|image| : }
> 2011-08-03 15:31:52|31856|56238:55974|image||vmdk
> file path configured for VM vmguest-37 being captured:
> /vmfs/volumes/netappfiler02-sata1/vmguest-37_114-v4/vmguest-37_114-v4.vmdk
> 2011-08-03 
> 15:31:52|31856|56238:55974|image||successfully
> retrieved vmdk file path components:
> |31856|56238:55974|image| VM profile VM path:
> '/vmfs/volumes/netappfiler02-sata1'
> |31856|56238:55974|image| VM profile datastore path:
> '/vmfs/volumes/netappfiler02-sata1'
> |31856|56238:55974|image| vmdk file path:
> '/vmfs/volumes/netappfiler02-sata1/vmguest-37_114-v4/vmguest-37_114-v4.vmdk'
> |31856|56238:55974|image| vmdk directory path:
> '/vmfs/volumes/netappfiler02-sata1/vmguest-37_114-v4'
> |31856|56238:55974|image| vmdk base directory path:
> '/vmfs/volumes/netappfiler02-sata1'
> |31856|56238:55974|image| vmdk directory name:               
> 'vmguest-37_114-v4'
> |31856|56238:55974|image| vmdk file name:
> 'vmguest-37_114-v4.vmdk'
> |31856|56238:55974|image| vmdk file prefix:                  
> 'vmguest-37_114-v4'
> |31856|56238:55974|image| persistent vmdk file path:
> '/vmfs/volumes/netappfiler02-sata1/vmguest-37_114-v4/vmguest-37_114-v4.vmdk'
> |31856|56238:55974|image| persistent vmdk directory path:
> '/vmfs/volumes/netappfiler02-sata1/vmguest-37_114-v4'
> |31856|56238:55974|image| persistent vmdk directory name:    
> 'vmguest-37_114-v4'
> |31856|56238:55974|image| nonpersistent vmdk file path:
> '/vmfs/volumes/netappfiler02-sata1/vmwarewinxp-CSUEBVisualStudio2010Express114-v5/vmwarewinxp-CSUEBVisualStudio2010Express114-v5.vmdk'
> |31856|56238:55974|image| nonpersistent vmdk directory path:
> '/vmfs/volumes/netappfiler02-sata1/vmwarewinxp-CSUEBVisualStudio2010Express114-v5'
> |31856|56238:55974|image| nonpersistent vmdk directory name:
> 'vmwarewinxp-CSUEBVisualStudio2010Express114-v5'
> 2011-08-03 
> 15:31:52|31856|56238:55974|image||set
> overridden vmdk file path:
> '/vmfs/volumes/netappfiler02-sata1/vmguest-37_114-v4/vmguest-37_114-v4.vmdk'
> 2011-08-03 15:31:52|31856|56238:55974|image||mode
> of vmdk to be captured is valid: independent-persistent
> 2011-08-03 15:31:52|31856|56238:55974|image||file
> or directory does not exist on vclesxi20:
> '/vmfs/volumes/netappfiler02-sata1/vmwarewinxp-CSUEBVisualStudio2010Express114-v5/vmwarewinxp-CSUEBVisualStudio2010Express114-v5.vmdk'
> 2011-08-03 
> 15:31:52|31856|56238:55974|image||executing
> SSH command on vmguest-37:
> |31856|56238:55974|image| /usr/bin/ssh -i /etc/vcl/vcl.key  -o
> StrictHostKeyChecking=no -l root -p 22 -x vmguest-37 'chown root
> currentimage.txt; chmod 777 currentimage.txt' 2>&1
> 2011-08-03 
> 15:32:00|31856|56238:55974|image||run_ssh_command
> output:
> 2011-08-03 15:32:00|31856|56238:55974|image||SSH
> command executed on vmguest-37, returning (0, "")
> 2011-08-03 
> 15:32:00|31856|56238:55974|image||updated
> ownership and permissions on currentimage.txt
> 2011-08-03 
> 15:32:00|31856|56238:55974|image||executing
> SSH command on vmguest-37:
> |31856|56238:55974|image| /usr/bin/ssh -i /etc/vcl/vcl.key  -o
> StrictHostKeyChecking=no -l root -p 22 -x vmguest-37 'echo -e
> "vmwarewinxp-CSUEBVisualStudio2010Express114-v5\r\nid=114\r\nprettyname=CSUEB
> Visual Studio 2010
> Express\r\nimagerevision_id=276\r\nimagerevision_datecreated=2011-08-03
> 15:29:03\r\ncomputer_id=41\r\ncomputer_hostname=vmguest-37" >
> currentimage.txt && cat currentimage.txt' 2>&1
> 2011-08-03 
> 15:32:05|31856|56238:55974|image||run_ssh_command
> output:
> |31856|56238:55974|image| vmwarewinxp-CSUEBVisualStudio2010Express114-v5
> |31856|56238:55974|image| id=114
> |31856|56238:55974|image| prettyname=CSUEB Visual Studio 2010 Express
> |31856|56238:55974|image| imagerevision_id=276
> |31856|56238:55974|image| imagerevision_datecreated=2011-08-03 15:29:03
> |31856|56238:55974|image| computer_id=41
> |31856|56238:55974|image| computer_hostname=vmguest-37
> 2011-08-03 15:32:05|31856|56238:55974|image||SSH
> command executed on vmguest-37, returning (0,
> "vmwarewinxp-CSUEBVisualStudio2...")
> 2011-08-03 
> 15:32:05|31856|56238:55974|image||created
> currentimage.txt file on vmguest-37:
> |31856|56238:55974|image| vmwarewinxp-CSUEBVisualStudio2010Express114-v5
> |31856|56238:55974|image| id=114
> |31856|56238:55974|image| prettyname=CSUEB Visual Studio 2010 Express
> |31856|56238:55974|image| imagerevision_id=276
> |31856|56238:55974|image| imagerevision_datecreated=2011-08-03 15:29:03
> |31856|56238:55974|image| computer_id=41
> |31856|56238:55974|image| computer_hostname=vmguest-37
> 2011-08-03 
> 15:32:05|31856|56238:55974|image||data
> structure updated:
> $self->request_data->{reservation}{55974}{image}{imagemeta}{sysprep}
> |31856|56238:55974|image| imagemeta_sysprep = 0
> 2011-08-03 
> 15:32:05|31856|56238:55974|image||calling
> parent class pre_capture() subroutine
> 2011-08-03 
> 15:32:05|31856|56238:55974|image||beginning
> Windows image capture preparation tasks on vmguest-37
> 2011-08-03 
> 15:32:05|31856|56238:55974|image||executing
> SSH command on vmguest-37:
> |31856|56238:55974|image| /usr/bin/ssh -i /etc/vcl/vcl.key  -o
> StrictHostKeyChecking=no -l root -p 22 -x vmguest-37
> 'C:/Windows/System32/qwinsta.exe' 2>&1
> 2011-08-03 
> 15:32:11|31856|56238:55974|image||run_ssh_command
> output:
> |31856|56238:55974|image| >console 0 Conn wdcon
> |31856|56238:55974|image| rdp-tcp 65536 Listen rdpwd
> |31856|56238:55974|image| Administrator 2 Disc rdpwd
> 2011-08-03 15:32:11|31856|56238:55974|image||SSH
> command executed on vmguest-37, returning (0, "SESSIONNAME USERNAME ID
> STATE ...")
> 2011-08-03 
> 15:32:11|31856|56238:55974|image||setting
> password of root to vclPassword on vmguest-37
> 2011-08-03 
> 15:32:11|31856|56238:55974|image||executing
> SSH command on vmguest-37:
> |31856|56238:55974|image| /usr/bin/ssh -i /etc/vcl/vcl.key  -o
> StrictHostKeyChecking=no -l root -p 22 -x vmguest-37
> 'C:/Windows/System32/net.exe user root 'vclPassword'' 2>&1
> 2011-08-03 
> 15:32:16|31856|56238:55974|image||run_ssh_command
> output:
> |31856|56238:55974|image| The command completed successfully.
> 2011-08-03 15:32:16|31856|56238:55974|image||SSH
> command executed on vmguest-37, returning (0, "The command completed
> successf...")
> 2011-08-03 
> 15:32:16|31856|56238:55974|image||password
> changed to 'vclPassword' for user 'root' on vmguest-37
> 2011-08-03 15:32:16|31856|56238:55974|image||root
> account password changed, must also change sshd service credentials
> 2011-08-03 
> 15:32:16|31856|56238:55974|image||executing
> SSH command on vmguest-37:
> |31856|56238:55974|image| /usr/bin/ssh -i /etc/vcl/vcl.key  -o
> StrictHostKeyChecking=no -l root -p 22 -x vmguest-37
> 'C:/Windows/System32/sc.exe config sshd obj= ".\root" password=
> "vclPassword"' 2>&1
> 2011-08-03 
> 15:32:21|31856|56238:55974|image||run_ssh_command
> output:
> |31856|56238:55974|image| [SC] ChangeServiceConfig SUCCESS
> 2011-08-03 15:32:21|31856|56238:55974|image||SSH
> command executed on vmguest-37, returning (0, "[SC]
> ChangeServiceConfig SUCCE...")
> 2011-08-03 
> 15:32:21|31856|56238:55974|image||changed
> logon credentials for 'sshd' service to root (vclPassword) on
> vmguest-37
> 2011-08-03 
> 15:32:21|31856|56238:55974|image||changing
> passwords for scheduled tasks
> 2011-08-03 
> 15:32:26|31856|56238:55974|image||queried
> scheduled tasks on vmguest-37
> 2011-08-03 
> 15:32:26|31856|56238:55974|image||changed
> password for user: root
> 2011-08-03 
> 15:32:26|31856|56238:55974|image||attempting
> to delete user wv4973 from vmguest-37
> 2011-08-03 
> 15:32:26|31856|56238:55974|image||executing
> SSH command on vmguest-37:
> |31856|56238:55974|image| /usr/bin/ssh -i /etc/vcl/vcl.key  -o
> StrictHostKeyChecking=no -l root -p 22 -x vmguest-37
> 'C:/Windows/System32/net.exe user wv4973 /DELETE' 2>&1
> 2011-08-03 
> 15:32:32|31856|56238:55974|image||run_ssh_command
> output:
> |31856|56238:55974|image| The user name could not be found.
> |31856|56238:55974|image| More help is available by typing NET HELPMSG 2221.
> 2011-08-03 15:32:32|31856|56238:55974|image||SSH
> command executed on vmguest-37, command:
> |31856|56238:55974|image| /usr/bin/ssh -i /etc/vcl/vcl.key  -o
> StrictHostKeyChecking=no -l root -p 22 -x vmguest-37
> 'C:/Windows/System32/net.exe user wv4973 /DELETE' 2>&1
> |31856|56238:55974|image| returning (2, "The user name could not be fou...")
> 2011-08-03 15:32:32|31856|56238:55974|image||user
> wv4973 was not deleted because user does not exist
> 2011-08-03 15:32:37|31856|56238:55974|image||file
> does NOT exist on vmguest-37: 'C:/Documents and Settings/wv4973'
> 2011-08-03 
> 15:32:37|31856|56238:55974|image||failed
> not deleted because it does not exist: 'C:/Documents and
> Settings/wv4973'
> 2011-08-03 
> 15:32:37|31856|56238:55974|image||deleted
> profile for user wv4973 from vmguest-37
> 2011-08-03 
> 15:32:37|31856|56238:55974|image||deleted
> 1 users from vmguest-37
> |31856|56238:55974|image| ---- WARNING ----
> |31856|56238:55974|image| 2011-08-03
> 15:32:49|31856|56238:55974|image||error
> occurred setting root as the owner of /home/root, error output:
> |31856|56238:55974|image| /usr/bin/chown: cannot read directory
> `/home/root/.ssh': Permission denied
> |31856|56238:55974|image| failed to change ownership of
> `/home/root/.ssh' to root
> |31856|56238:55974|image| ( 0), set_file_owner (line: 1398)
> |31856|56238:55974|image| (-1), pre_capture (line: 272)
> |31856|56238:55974|image| (-2), pre_capture (line: 105)
> |31856|56238:55974|image| (-3), capture (line: 556)
> |31856|56238:55974|image| (-4), process (line: 162)
> |31856|56238:55974|image| (-5) vcld, make_new_child (line: 568)
> |31856|56238:55974|image| ---- WARNING ----
> |31856|56238:55974|image| 2011-08-03
> 15:32:49|31856|56238:55974|image||unable to
> set root as the owner of /home/root
> |31856|56238:55974|image| ( 0), pre_capture (line: 273)
> |31856|56238:55974|image| (-1), pre_capture (line: 105)
> |31856|56238:55974|image| (-2), capture (line: 556)
> |31856|56238:55974|image| (-3), process (line: 162)
> |31856|56238:55974|image| (-4) vcld, make_new_child (line: 568)
> |31856|56238:55974|image| (-5) vcld, main (line: 346)
> |31856|56238:55974|image| ---- WARNING ----
> |31856|56238:55974|image| 2011-08-03
> 15:32:49|31856|56238:55974|image||failed
> to execute parent class pre_capture() subroutine
> |31856|56238:55974|image| ( 0), pre_capture (line: 109)
> |31856|56238:55974|image| (-1), capture (line: 556)
> |31856|56238:55974|image| (-2), process (line: 162)
> |31856|56238:55974|image| (-3) vcld, make_new_child (line: 568)
> |31856|56238:55974|image| (-4) vcld, main (line: 346)
> |31856|56238:55974|image| ---- WARNING ----
> |31856|56238:55974|image| 2011-08-03
> 15:32:49|31856|56238:55974|image||failed to
> complete OS module's pre_capture tasks
> |31856|56238:55974|image| ( 0), capture (line: 557)
> |31856|56238:55974|image| (-1), process (line: 162)
> |31856|56238:55974|image| (-2) vcld, make_new_child (line: 568)
> |31856|56238:55974|image| (-3) vcld, main (line: 346)
> |31856|56238:55974|image| ---- WARNING ----
> |31856|56238:55974|image| 2011-08-03
> 15:32:49|31856|56238:55974|image||vmwarewinxp-CSUEBVisualStudio2010Express114-v5
> image failed to be captured by provisioning module
> |31856|56238:55974|image| ( 0), process (line: 166)
> |31856|56238:55974|image| (-1) vcld, make_new_child (line: 568)
> |31856|56238:55974|image| (-2) vcld, main (line: 346)
> 2011-08-03 
> 15:32:49|31856|56238:55974|image||returning
> private IP address previously retrieved:
> 2011-08-03 
> 15:32:49|31856|56238:55974|image||zero
> rows were returned from database select
> 2011-08-03 
> 15:32:49|31856|56238:55974|image||image
> owner id: 10
> 2011-08-03 15:32:49|31856|56238:55974|image||database
> requested (information_schema) does not match handle stored in
> $ENV{dbh} (vcl:localhost)
> 2011-08-03 15:32:49|31856|56238:55974|image||database
> handle stored in $ENV{dbh}
> 2011-08-03 
> 15:32:49|31856|56238:55974|image||attempting
> to retrieve and store data for user: = '10'
> 2011-08-03 15:32:49|31856|56238:55974|image||database
> requested (vcl) does not match handle stored in $ENV{dbh}
> (information_schema:localhost)
> 2011-08-03 15:32:49|31856|56238:55974|image||database
> handle stored in $ENV{dbh}
> 2011-08-03 
> 15:32:49|31856|56238:55974|image||data
> has been retrieved for user: wv4973 (id: 10)
> 2011-08-03 15:32:55|31856|56238:55974|image||SUCCESS
> -- Sending mail To:, PROBLEM --
> 56238:55974|image||vmguest-37>vclesxi20|vmwarewinxp-CSUEBVisualStudio2010Express114-v5|wv4973
> |31856|56238:55974|image| ---- CRITICAL ----
> |31856|56238:55974|image| 2011-08-03
> 15:32:49|31856|56238:55974|image||vmwarewinxp-CSUEBVisualStudio2010Express114-v5
> image creation failed
> |31856|56238:55974|image| ( 0), reservation_failed (line: 385)
> |31856|56238:55974|image| (-1), process (line: 167)
> |31856|56238:55974|image| (-2) vcld, make_new_child (line: 568)
> |31856|56238:55974|image| (-3) vcld, main (line: 346)
> 2011-08-03 15:32:55|31856|56238:55974|image||SUCCESS
> -- Sending mail To:, VCL -- NOTICE
> DELAY Image Creation CSUEB Visual Studio 2010 Express
> 2011-08-03 15:32:55|31856|56238:55974|image||SUCCESS
> -- Sending mail To:, VCL -- NOTICE
> FAILED Image Creation CSUEB Visual Studio 2010 Express
> 2011-08-03 
> 15:32:55|31856|56238:55974|image||request
> 56238 state updated to: maintenance, laststate to: image
> 2011-08-03 
> 15:32:55|31856|56238:55974|image||request
> state set to maintenance, laststate to image
> 2011-08-03 
> 15:32:55|31856|56238:55974|image||computer
> 41 state updated to: maintenance
> 2011-08-03 
> 15:32:55|31856|56238:55974|image||vmguest-37
> state set to maintenance
> 2011-08-03 
> 15:32:55|31856|56238:55974|image||exiting
> 2011-08-03 15:32:55|31856|56238:55974|image||VCL::image
> destructor called, address: 1a510d10
> 2011-08-03 
> 15:32:55|31856|56238:55974|image||removing
> computerloadlog entries matching loadstate = begin
> 2011-08-03 
> 15:32:55|31856|56238:55974|image||deleted
> rows from computerloadlog for reservation id=55974
> 2011-08-03 15:32:55|31856|56238:55974|image||number
> of database handles state process created: 3
> 2011-08-03 15:32:55|31856|56238:55974|image||VCL::image
> process duration: 234 seconds
> 2011-08-03 15:32:55|31856|56238:55974|image||vim-cmd
> call count: 12
> --
> Thanks,
> Alex  Patterson
> User Support Services
> Operating System Analyst
> California State University, East Bay

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