Dear VCL experts,

    I am working on extending our VCL Cloud system for teaching purpose by 
adding some new computing nodes. The VCL version is 2.1 and we use VMware 
server 1.0 in each computing node. I have installed CentOS 5.0 and Vmware 
server 1.0 on a new blade, configured the network and VCL. However, I am stuck 
by the following failure when I tried to reserve an image.

State Est/Act  TimeTotal
Timeconfirming image exists(22) 0:04/0:24 0:24
starting load process(40) 0:06/2:03 2:27
creating configuration file(28) 0:02/1:01 3:28
starting virtual machine(48) 0:03/0:42 4:10
machine booting(46) 1:08/34:43 38:53

failed: could not load vmx on CSB308

  Does anybody know what's wrong on my setup? It takes very long time to boot 
an image, but failed at the end. I am wondering if there is any instruction of 
how to install a computing node that I can follow.  Thanks a lot in advance.


Lei Huang (Ph.D.)
Assistant Professor
Computer Science Department
Prairie View A&M University
SR Collins Room 314, MailStop: 2515, Prairie View, TX 77446
Phone: (936)261-9878       Fax: (936)261-9866

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