Thanks guys,

I followed your suggestions.

The image in question is in the Image Group named allVMimages.
the Image Group allVMimages is mapped to a Computer Group "All VM Computers"
all of our computers (we've allotted 48 of them) are in the Computer Group "All 
VM Computers"
The Image in question uses these specs:  2048 RAM, 1 processor, 2000 processor 
speed, 100 network speed,
and all of the "computers" we've allotted have:  4096 RAM, 1 processor, 2000 
processor speed, 1000 network speed.

Any other suggestions? As I said, we were able to replicate this with another 
image (same process to get to where we're stuck). It seems like once I End the 
reservation without making the image a production version, that's where we're 
dead. The first revision I did for the first image I just made changes, updated 
the image, and then went back in the next day and repeated all the steps to 
that point.
(Manage Images -> Create/Update an Image -> Reservation
RDP into Image (XP), update software, install new packages, etc.
Back to Current Reservation -> Create/Update Image -> Update Existing Image)

I hadn't done the step (during my first revision) where I make a new 
reservation and it winds up having me login to the Image with my local (VCL) 


From: Mike Haudenschild []
Sent: Monday, June 11, 2012 2:58 PM
Subject: Re: Not being able to reserve XP for updates

Yes, that's very important.  Go to Manage Images --> Edit Image Profiles, and 
check the required specifications (RAM, processor) for that image.  Then, as 
Dmitri notes, go to Manage Computers --> Edit Computer Information and confirm 
that at least one computer (in the group you're mapped to) has those specs.

On Mon, Jun 11, 2012 at 2:51 PM, Dmitri Chebotarov 
<<>> wrote:

Also, can check if you have available computers (under Manage Computers) 
capable hosting the image?

Thank you,

Dmitri Chebotarov
Virtual Computing Lab Systems Engineer, TSD - Ent Servers & Messaging
223 Aquia Building, Ffx, MSN: 1B5
Phone: (703) 993-6175<tel:%28703%29%20993-6175>
Fax: (703) 993-3404<tel:%28703%29%20993-3404>

On Monday, June 11, 2012 at 14:47 , Mike Haudenschild wrote:
Hi Adam,

Check your image grouping and be sure that whatever image you're attempting to 
reserve/update is in a group that has access to one or more "computers."

- Manage Images --> Edit Image Grouping (make sure target image is in a group 
you're using)
- Manage Images --> Edit Image Mapping (make sure the group is mapped to a 
computer group)
- Manage Computers --> Edit Computer Grouping (make sure that at least one 
computer is in the computer group to which you mapped the image)

Permissions in VCL are very three-dimensional and web-like, which means you 
have to visit 2 different screens in order to connect all the dots.

I like to use the "Checkbox Grid" tab on all the screens I mentioned above -- 
it's much easier to visualize all the relationships at a glance (except on 
exceptionally large VCL implementations).


Mike Haudenschild
Education Systems Manager
Longsight Group
(740) 599-5005 x809<tel:%28740%29%20599-5005%20x809><><>

On Mon, Jun 11, 2012 at 2:04 PM, Hechler, Adam 
<<>> wrote:

Hello again,

Well, we've run across another stumbling block that I hope someone can help 
with. We've been able to reproduce it using the same steps so I have to assume 
this would be simple for someone to answer.

Windows XP image

Manage Images -> Create/Update an Image -> Reservation

RDP into Image (XP), update software, install new packages, etc.

Back to Current Reservation -> Create/Update Image -> Update Existing Image

(at this point we get the "Update Image" screen telling us that once the image 
creation is completed that we should create a new reservation, test the 
environment, go back to Current Reservations screen, click End, then Make this 
the production revision)

So we get the email that Image Updated Successfully

Go into New Reservation

Connect to XP and take a look around. I need to install some more packages.

Come back to Current Reservations and click End

But instead of making production revision, we choose just End the reservation 
(I have more to do to it).

Gog into Manage Images -> Create/Update an Image -> Reservation again

Choose the latest revision

This time we get a screen telling us that the time requested is not available 
and we need to choose a time from the green blocks. The whole page is green 
blocks. No matter what we click on it takes us back the reservation screen 
which repeats the cycle.

There must be a way to get back into that revision, no?


Adam Hechler

  Senior Analyst /

    PC Systems Administrator<>

        (860) 548-2446<tel:%28860%29%20548-2446>

           Rensselaer at Hartford

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