On 2/26/2011 7:05 PM, Tyler Hardesty wrote:
So I have been trying to set up a test machine installing everything on an Imac loaded with centos 5.5... I'm using the instructions for setting up a test machine using only VMware server 2.0.2 (don't have any blade machines) and I think I've made it to the point where I need to create a windows base image... The instructions say: "The instructions assume that VMware has been configured with the following bridged networks:

    * VMnet0: bridged to private interface: eth0
    * VMnet2: bridged to public interface: eth1"

... My machine only has eth0 (no eth1)... is that a virtual NIC or are there separate instructions somewhere for installing and configuring VMware server 2.0.2 to be compatible with Apache VCL (I've never used VMware server until about a week ago when I installed it and configured it on a test machine at home using the instructions on the VMware site... I created 3 test machines but their network configs don't seem to be the same as what Apache VCL is looking for)

Any help would be great!!!! Thanks!

-Tyler Hardesty
The public interface is for accessing the machines via RDC once the reservation is made. This would be how your users accessed the machines. The private interface is for the management console to do its magic to the machines.

In VMWare you should be able to go to the properties of the VMs and add another adapter to them. You will also need to go to the Network properties of the server itself and establish another vSwitch. This new vSwitch needs to be able to talk to the management console. Setting this up varies from version to version of the VMWare tools and I don't know the specifics of how its done with VMWare server 2.02.

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