Cool. Nice script.

Do you have an account under Jira?

If so would recommend to create a jira issue for 2.4 release to add
this in. This way we can make sure to add that in.

Also it may be worth looking at a script called in

I think does not work too well in 2.2.1 - had some
issues with the data structure object.

The in the repo for the 2.3 is pretty stable, it
doesn't initiate a reload, but checks the state of the machine,
current image in db vs actual image loaded and updates the database
accordingly. So maybe, we could combine yours and healthcheck.


On Thu, Apr 12, 2012 at 12:04 PM, Dmitri Chebotarov <> wrote:
> Hi, All
> I found that sometimes there is a 'disconnect' between information in SQL
> database and actual state of 'available' computers.
> If VCL has a bunch of availabe computers preloaded with an image and I then
> update that image (new image revision), computers are not automatically
> reloaded with newer image revision.
> New reservation will have new image revision, but those available computer
> will still have older image revision and it would be reloaded only if a user
> makes reservation.
> At that time it will take longer to load (ie. ~10min vs <1min for preloaded
> available computer).
> Also in cases when I need to reboot ESXi hosts, all the VMs are not loaded
> automatically. In this case database lists those VMs as available, but they
> are off-line.
> I would like to share the small tool (a .pl script), which syncs available
> computers with actual state of computers (VMs).
> I've used peaces of code from utils.php to write it. The script creates
> reload requests for all available computers using the current image and
> latest image revision.
> VCLD then caries out requests and reloads computers which are either have
> older image revision or cannot be contacted via SSH (ie. after ESXi
> reboot).
> I plan to run the script weekly via cron on vcld server to make sure all is
> in sync, as well as after image updates.
> I've tested it and it works fine. .pl is attached.
> (I have hardcoded $managementnodeid value in reloadComputer(). Yours could
> be different)
> Thanks.
> --
> Dmitri Chebotarov
> Virtual Computing Lab Systems Engineer, TSD - Ent Servers & Messaging
> 223 Aquia Building, Ffx, MSN: 1B5
> Phone: (703) 993-6175
> Fax: (703) 993-3404

Aaron Peeler
Program Manager
Virtual Computing Lab
NC State University

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