On 2013-07-31 at 17:31:51 -0400, Dylan Kinnett wrote:
> I joined this group because I'm interested in using version control
> software to help writers, editors, publishers, scholars and archivists. In
> [...]
> I would be grateful for any thoughts, comments, advice, etc. that any of
> you might be able to provide.

Non directly to the point, but one thing that could help is also moving 
from office documents to a format that is more vcs-friendly; I have
collected a couple of links to the point at


and expecially 


from a (tech-friendly, admittely) writer who did exactly that move.

One thing that I suspect could help less tech-friendly writers 
is to have some integration for VCSes in a writer's editor
or in some text editor without the complexity of a full IDE.
Maybe reText would be a good candidate.


Elena ``of Valhalla''
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