Actually we have never met before but looking at your profile is what gave me 
the confident and courage to contact you.

I am writing this mail to you with heavy tears in my eyes and great sorrow in 
my heart because my Doctor told me that I will die in three months time. I am 
Mrs. Mariam Muhammad from the People’s Republic of China, a widow to late 
Muhammad Zhou Wong former owner of Petroleum & Gas Company here in Ivory Cost 
West Africa. I am 63 years old, suffering from long time Cancer of the breast. 
From all indications my condition is really deteriorating and it's quite 
obvious that I won't live more than 3 months according to my doctors.

Based on this development I want to will my money which is deposited in a bank, 
that’s all I have left now, I have wholeheartedly decided to donate the 
entirety of this fund to any devoted Believer or Organization and to achieve 
this, I need an individual that will utilize this funds adherent for these 
Purposes. I am in search of a reliable person who will use the Money to build 
charity organization for the saints and the person will take 30% of the total 
sum. While 70% of the money will go to charity Organizations and helping the 

 1: For the sick, less-privileged
   2: For the Widows and the motherless babies
   3: Orphanage or Charity Home

I grew up as an Orphan and i don't have anybody/family member to take care of 
my wealth. The total money in question is $2.3million dollars. I will provide 
you with other information's once you indicate your willingness. I want you to 
always put me in your daily prayer. My happiness is that I lived a life of a 
worthy and God fearer woman.

Presently, I'm in a hospital here in Ivory Coast, where I have been undergoing 
treatment for this breast cancer. I want someone, who is God-fearing to use 
this money for the propagating the good news of God, orphanages and widows, I 
await your quick response to this mail as this is my last wish to see this 
funds transferred before my death. Write back as soon as possible, any delay in 
your reply will give me room in searching for another person for this same 
purpose. Please assure me that you will act accordingly as I Stated herein.

Yours sincerely.
Mrs. Mariam Muhammad
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