> > which xineliboutput version are you using ? cvs ?
> > any patches from here ?
> > http://www.vdr-portal.de/board/thread.php?threadid=86804
> >
> > Goga
> > vdr 179 + xbmc
> vdr 1.7.8 + xinelibeoutput cvs -minus said patch. Am using the

did you try vdr 179 with cvs xineliboutput ?

> xine-lib 1.2 vdpau branch, which I previously used to run xine with

have you any difference between xine-lib 1.2 vdpau branch and xine-vdpau branch 

> I'm amazed that vdr-sxfe manages to completely avoid any judder in
> playback, something which I haven't really seen since I ran with a ff
> card. 

did you try with local frontend ? not with vdr-sxfe 

>There's some occasional loss of audio lipsync, and channel
> change is not "smooth"; I see both audio and video freeze for a few
> frames. I guess both of those are work in progress.
> Would any of the patches from the vdr-portal thread above help on those 
> issues?

You can try that patch xine-vdpau-r281-crop-v9.diff.gz 

 there're good reports about it

> I have to say that vdpau is looking like a very good solution for hdtv
> playback, it's just a shame that they didn't implement field parity
> support for interlaced material.


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