Re: [vdr] FF card A/V sync suggestion

2006-11-12 Thread Chad Flynt
Thanks for not giving up on this yet guys. 

Udo Richter wrote:

Petri Hintukainen wrote:

xine and/or mplayer just re-generates the pes layer. So, it have to be
there ?
xine has no problems with the provided samples, so I guess it must be in
the PES layer re-muxing. Has anyone with the problem tried to replay
with separate mpa+mpv -> pes streams ?

For the tero sample from this thread, I've demultiplexed it with 
projectx and re-muxed it to VDR, and it was playing fine. It must be 
on the PES layer. The only thing I've noticed was a slight +/-1 jitter 
in the PTS timecode of the audio track.



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Re: [vdr] FF card A/V sync suggestion

2006-10-27 Thread Chad Flynt
Hadn't heard any more on this, did anyone get ahold of the mplayer 
source or the softplay source to find out how things are working in 
it?   Just didn't want the subject to get dropped again heh.

C.Y.M wrote:

Torgeir Veimo wrote:

On 24 Oct 2006, at 12:44, C.Y.M wrote:


Somehow, mplayer is able to detect the areas in the VDR recordings
that need
extra "padding" to keep the sync.  There must be some kind of pattern
in the
data that the player recognizes and it knows it must insert a null
frame.  How
to go about finding how it works and creating an algorithm.

So you're certain that it's always picture frames being dropped, causing
audio to be behind the video?


From what I understand, it could be either video or audio that is using

"stacked" data.  Either a video frame that does not "change" or perhaps a few
seconds of silence on the audio track could trigger this.

Best Regards.

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Re: [vdr] FF card A/V sync suggestion

2006-10-23 Thread Chad Flynt
I am sure this is more widespread than people imagine.  I know that 
everyone I talk to has this issue.  But most don't participate on the 
ML.  There are forums that have talked bout it all over.  Most of us 
have just as said, gotten used to it and assumed it will never be 
addressed.  So I too am glad to see it being discussed once again, and 
do hope there can be a resolution.  I wish I understood more about how 
it all pieced together to help.

Lauri Tischler wrote:

Richard Scobie wrote:

Adding my 2 cents, in the hope that others more knowledgable may be 
able to reproduce the problem.

Using a Nexus S 2.1 with the latest beta firmware, I find I lose 
audio sync when doing multiple "yellow button skips" to jump through 
commercial breaks, where there is a 30-50% chance the audio will be 
out after this. Doing a "green button skip" backwards almost always 
corrects it.

hear, hear, same here.

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Re: [vdr] FF card A/V sync suggestion

2006-10-21 Thread Chad Flynt

C.Y.M wrote:

My theory is that since audio is typically 600ms ahead of video, maybe 
the audio buffers run over. Strange thing is why this happens 
reproducible on blackness. Maybe due to extremely low bit rate in this 
situation, more frames get packed into one data block, causing data flow 
to be disturbed beyond some limit. It cant be too high data rate, ATV+ 
has just 2mbit avg, 4mbit max data rate.

Does it also occur with the latest test firmware?

If yes, please provide short sample clips.
Please verify that the clips are not damaged, i.e. they play fine with
mplayer or xine.


Yes, it still happens on every firmware revision.  But, I really dont think this
is a firmware issue as much as it is a VDR one.  There must be several ways to
approach this problem but the best way would be an open source solution IMHO. If
mplayer can successfully forward the video every time straight to the FF card
w/o any transcoding, then why cant VDR do the same thing?  Im sure someone can
post links to problematic recordings if you need some to test with.

Best Regards.

vdr mailing list


It can't be a firmware issue at all if Mplayer and VDR are both using 
the same firmware, and 1 works and the other doesn't, to me that 
completely rules out the firmware. 

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Re: [vdr] FF card A/V sync suggestion

2006-10-21 Thread Chad Flynt
I will chime in again and also state this has nothing to do with 1 
particular channel.  This, at least in North America, happens no matter 
what channel it is on.  I can't recall any live TV ever being affected, 
but every recording I have has desync issues if I play straight through 
VDR on a FF card, some worse than others mind you, but every one gets 
out of sync.  I don't know if it is an NTSC thing or what.  I am willing 
to accept that if it is, but the problem still stands.  But it sounds as 
if it happens on PAL systems as well from all those that have chimed 
in.  I am in no way ungrateful for everything VDR has done and all the 
development from others, but this problem has been brought up many times 
in the past and ends up getting dropped as mentioned.  Mainly, obviously 
due to the fact the developers can't reproduce it.  But it isn't just 
Mplayer that plays fine, Xine plays fine as well.  Both of these 
outputting via the FF Card.  So, not just going full software mode.  So 
that's 2 different playback devices that bypass whatever bugs or whatnot 
you might be mentioning.  It is only when playing back through whatever 
VDR is using.  It may very well be passing it straight through and the 
others aren't.  But that is what we are trying to find out.  And find 
out if there is a way that we can have an option if anything to choose 
playback a different way.  I am not a programmer, so I don't know the 
ins or outs of how this can be accomplished, but being as so many others 
are now complaining about it, there has to be some way of figuring this 
out.  Thanks for any insight you have on looking into this problem.

Pasi Juppo wrote:

Udo Richter wrote:

C.Y.M wrote:

If the answer to this question could be discovered, then problem
solved.  So,
what you are suggesting is VDR is not doing something that mplayer is
doing that
fixes the problem.  Hmm... so then it is not a driver or firmware
after all?? Could we agree that much? :) 

I wouldn't go that far. For this concrete case, since it is limited to
one specific channel, there's a good chance that the encoding of the
channel breaks some standards limitation.
There's also most likely nothing wrong on VDR, as VDR is basically just
forwarding data streams. If mplayer does a better job, then its probably
more like a bug workaround.
Generally, things would be a lot better if the driver/firmware would do
A/V resyncing constantly and not just at playback start. That way, A/V
desync wouldn't built up, and desync would only happen for a short time.

How come you make the conclusion that this is limited to one specific
channel? To my understanding there are multiple channels where this
problem occurs.

The best to start solving this problem is to try to figure out what
happens with the recordings that are correct but still cause desync
problems. This has been suggested already by many readers. Since it
seems that only few people have access to the firmware source code the
debugging is quite limited..

Br, Pasi

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Re: [vdr] FF card A/V sync suggestion

2006-10-20 Thread Chad Flynt
I am sure it has something to do with North American systems, it happens 
with regular or AC3 audio.  And doesn't seem to matter on the channel.  
Doesn't affect live at all just on playback.  And as mentioned, if you 
use Mplayer or such all is fine.  Only if you are playing back via the 
default VDR playback through the card.  The fix is always to rewind just 
a sec and start playing again and usually you are good, till the next 
desync heh. 

Klaus Schmidinger wrote:

C.Y.M wrote:

Since it has been several years now and I have never been able to 
solve the a/v

desync issues with my Nexus-S FF card when playing back recordings...

I'm replaying many recordings (actually most of what I watch
are recordings ;-) and don't even remember when was the last
time I had an A/V desync.

Are you getting this with recordings from particular channels,
or does it happen all the time?
Also, is this with MPEG audio or AC3?


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