Hi there,

epgsync-0.0.4 is available for download at http://vdr.schmirler.de. Epgsync
lets you import the EPG from an other (server) VDR. In addition to a simple
1:1 mapping, channels may be looked up by name. So you can even copy EPG of
e.g. a DVB-S channel to an analog channel, which otherwise wouldn't have any
EPG information.

Most important change is the support for direct IPTV and analog integration
into VDR 1.7.13+.

- VDR 1.7.13 obsoletes pluginparam-patch. Analog and IPTV now have dedicated
channel source values.
- Mapping channels by name failed when syncing in channel-by-channel mode and
the channels to be imported were not part of the local channel list. (reported
by ti...@vdrportal)
- Don't log LSTE errors caused by remote channels which are unknown or don't
provide a schedule (reported by f...@vdrportal)
- Abort faster when stopping epgsync thread
- Fixed missing translations in vdr 1.4.x


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