I havd vdr-1.7.5, xine-vdpau r260, vdr-xine .91. Runing on a Athlon64 x2 and 
Asus en8400gs silent video card. I have a FusionHDTV7
Dual Express in it currently. I am having problems figureing out the proper 
settings in all the config files. I am getting droped
frames, sometimes high enough to cause the popup box. Does it with any of the 
deint options.

I will be setting up two systems basicly the same. One will be going to the HD 
input on a MITS WS65905 an dthe other will be going
through the RGB inputs on a pre-HD (1984) Sony. Currently I just have both 
ports going to standard computer monitors.  The DVI port
seems to want to run at 85hz while the VGA is runing at 60hz. id on't know if 
the high rate on the one is part of the problem.
/etc/X11/xorg.conf has
Section "Monitor"
    Identifier     "Monitor0"
    VendorName     "Unknown"
    ModelName      "Unknown"
    HorizSync       28.0 - 33.0
    VertRefresh     43.0 - 72.0
    Option         "DPMS"

Section "Device"
    Identifier      "GeForce 8400GS"
    Driver          "nvidia"
    VendorName     "NVIDIA Corporation"
    Option          "TwinView"              "true"
    Option          "TwinViewOrientation"   "Clone"
#    Option          "TVOutFormat"           "COMPOSITE"
    Option          "TVStandard"            "NTSC-M"
    Option          "TVOverScan"            "0.5"
#   Option          "TVDeflicker"           "0"
    Option          "SecondMonitorHorizSync"        "30-50"
    Option          "SecondMonitorVerRefresh"       "59.94"
#   Option          "MetaModes"     
#    Option          "MetaModes"     "800x600,800x600;640x480,640x480"

Section "Screen"
    Identifier     "Screen0"
    Device         "GeForce 8400GS"
    Monitor        "Monitor0"
    DefaultDepth    24
    SubSection     "Display"
   Viewport    0 0
        Depth       24
        Modes      "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"

I don't seem to have any nvidia setings file but I was able to get a dump of 
what it is using.

  Attribute 'RefreshRate' (LLLx64-32:0.0; display device: CRT-0): 85.00 Hz.
    'RefreshRate' is an integer attribute.
    'RefreshRate' is a read-only attribute.
    'RefreshRate' is display device specific.
    'RefreshRate' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU.

  Attribute 'RefreshRate' (LLLx64-32:0.0; display device: CRT-1): 60.00 Hz.
    'RefreshRate' is an integer attribute.
    'RefreshRate' is a read-only attribute.
    'RefreshRate' is display device specific.
    'RefreshRate' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU.

  Attribute 'RefreshRate3' (LLLx64-32:0.0; display device: CRT-0): 84.997 Hz.
    'RefreshRate3' is an integer attribute.
    'RefreshRate3' is a read-only attribute.
    'RefreshRate3' is display device specific.
    'RefreshRate3' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU.

  Attribute 'RefreshRate3' (LLLx64-32:0.0; display device: CRT-1): 60.004 Hz.
    'RefreshRate3' is an integer attribute.
    'RefreshRate3' is a read-only attribute.
    'RefreshRate3' is display device specific.
    'RefreshRate3' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU.

I have also had what seme to be video lockups. First I thought it was the 
tunner over heating because when it first happened, vdr
would not respond to remote and the card was hot. I added heat sinks to the 3 
main chips with thermal tape and put an 80mm fan over
the card. It is now midly warm but video still locks at times. I can run all 
night or it can lock within an hour. There are a lot of
lines like this in syslog and user.log:

Apr 30 15:52:49 LLLx64-32 vdr: [19935] changing pids of channel 0 from 
0+0=0:0:0:0 to 49+49=2:0;52=eng,56=eng:0:0
Apr 30 15:52:49 LLLx64-32 vdr: [19935] changing pids of channel 0 from 
0+0=0:0:0:0 to 65+65=2:0;68=eng:0:0
Apr 30 15:52:49 LLLx64-32 vdr: [19935] changing pids of channel 0 from 
0+0=0:0:0:0 to 81+81=2:0;84=eng:0:0
Apr 30 15:53:09 LLLx64-32 vdr: [19935] changing pids of channel 0 from 
0+0=0:0:0:0 to 49+49=2:0;52=eng:0:0

Apr 30 15:00:17 LLLx64-32 vdr: [8107] TS continuity error (8)
Apr 30 15:00:17 LLLx64-32 vdr: [8107] TS continuity error (0)
Apr 30 15:00:17 LLLx64-32 vdr: [8107] TS continuity error (3)
Apr 30 15:00:17 LLLx64-32 vdr: [8107] TS continuity error (6)
Apr 30 15:00:17 LLLx64-32 vdr: [8107] TS continuity error (12)

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