Can anyone help me on my problem?

I've found I can get a picture with "mplayer /dev/dvb/adapter0/dvr0" when I szap, BUT only if I add the "-r" switch

szap -r -l 11300 -c /etc/vdr/vdr-1.7.15/channels.conf "Maori TV"

1) If I miss out the "-r" switch I can't get a picture from dvr0.
2) If I add the "-r" switch, mplayer detects the TS format and plays the live TV perfectly.
3) If I miss out the "-l 11300" I can't get the front end to lock

I still can't get the front end to lock in VDR either - so no recording and no live TV.

I've tried all sorts of LNB config in setup.conf - latest being:
Use DiSEqC:                no
SLOF (MHz):                11700
Low LNB frequency (MHz):   9750
High LNB frequency (MHz):  10600

But I can't get it to work.

Any ideas?

Had to use a diseqc.conf entry, even though I'm not actually using diseqc!

S160E 99999 H 11300 t V

All good now....

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