oVirt 3.3.3 beta has been released and is actually on QA.
We'll start composing oVirt 3.3.3 RC on 2014-01-21 12:00 UTC.

The bug tracker [1] shows no bugs blocking the release

The following is a list of the non-blocking bugs still open with target 3.3 - 

Whiteboard      Bug ID  Summary
integration     902979  ovirt-live - firefox doesn't trust the installed engine
integration     1021805 [RFE] oVirt Live - use motd to show the admin password
integration     1022440 [RFE] AIO - configure the AIO host to be a gluster 
integration     1026930 Package virtio-win and put it in ovirt repositories
integration     1026933 pre-populate ISO domain with virtio-win ISO
integration     1050084 Tracker: oVirt 3.3.3 release
network         997197  Some AppErrors messages are grammatically incorrect 
(singular vs plural)
node            906257  USB Flash Drive install of ovirt-node created via dd 
node            923049  ovirt-node fails to boot from local disk under UEFI mode
node            965583  [RFE] add shortcut key on TUI
node            976675  [wiki] Update contribution page
node            979350  Changes admin password in the first time when log in is 
failed while finished auto-install
node            979390  [RFE] Split defaults.py into smaller pieces
node            982232  performance page takes >1sec to load (on first load)
node            984441  kdump page crashed before configuring the network after 
ovirt-node intalled
node            986285  UI crashes when no bond name is given
node            991267  [RFE] Add TUI information to log file.
node            1018374 ovirt-node-iso-3.0.1-1.0.2.vdsm.fc19: Failed on 
node            1018710 [RFE] Enhance API documentation
node            1032035 [RFE]re-write auto install function for the cim plugin
node            1033286 ovirt-node-plugin-vdsm can not be added to ovirt node 
el6 base image
storage         987917  [oVirt] [glance] API version not specified in provider 
virt            1007940 Cannot clone from snapshot while using GlusterFS as 
POSIX Storage Domain

- We'll start composing oVirt 3.3.3 RC on 2014-01-21 12:00 UTC: all non 
blockers bug still open after the build will be moved to 3.3.4.
- Please add the bugs to the tracker if you think that 3.3.3 should not be 
released without them fixed.
- Please provide ETA on bugs you add as blockers
- Please re-target all bugs you don't think that should block 3.3.3.
- Please fill release notes, the page has been created here [3]
- Please remember to rebuild your packages before 2014-01-21 12:00 UTC if you 
want them to be included in 3.3.3 RC.

For those who want to help testing the bugs, I suggest to add yourself as QA 
contact for the bug and add yourself to the testing page [2].
Thanks to Gianluca Cecchi for his testing of oVirt 3.3.3 beta on Gluster 

[1] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1050084
[2] http://www.ovirt.org/Testing/Ovirt_3.3.3_testing
[3] http://www.ovirt.org/OVirt_3.3.3_release_notes


Sandro Bonazzola
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