vdsm-sync call August 26th 2013
- Federico reminds people with oVirt-3.3 backporting needs to ping him.
- Toni asks about glusterfs-cli inclusion in el6 (<=6.4). The required packages
  that are not on el6 EPEL are gonna be in ovirt repo. There will be an extra
  repo as well for gluster requiriments.
- Toni asks reviews for http://gerrit.ovirt.org/#/c/18047/ vm.py refactor.
- Toni asks for storage review/work on functional storage tests (xmlrpc tests
  were split on virt and storage tests) so that they will be more consistent
  with the rest of new functional tests, mom, virt and networking (using
- Gluster team working on some bugs that will be sent as followup to this email
  (management functionality related).
- Timothy Asir asks for reviews asked for patch
  work related to:
vdsm-devel mailing list

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