
>From my experience bpflist is the most unpredictable command I ever seen.
A command syntax working at my office doesn’t work at the same environment of 
my customer. If you read the manual it suppose that you need only the backup 
id, but it doesn’t work if you don’t put the start and end days (I always put 
1/1/2000 and 1/1/2010).
Also if you don’t put the –R, the command manual supposes that the output will 
be 99 directories depth. But in some cases I need to put –R 999 just to run the 
command successfully. Other times I have to put the master server or to dig for 
the options needed.
Don’t worry for the syntax of the command. If it is working at your customer 
environment it is ok. And don’t be surprised if the same command needs 
modifications, if it doesn’t run at another of yours customers.


>  -------Original Message-------
>  Subject: [Veritas-bu] BPFList usage
>  Sent: 23 Nov '05 23:04
>  All,
>  I have two needs for the BPFList command.  First is a personal script that
>  I would run by hand from time to time based upon my customers needs.
>  Second is a potential reporting package using the same command.
>  (Thanks... Ed W.)
>  In trying to find some sort of documentation I found the basic command
>  line of:
>  >bpflist -policy irv_nbu -client irvdata08 -backupid irvdata08_1132720564
>  -d 11/22/2005 20:36:04 -e 11/22/2005 22:01:50
>  Resulting in the following output:
>  FILES 7 13          0 1132720564 1 irvdata08 irv_nbu irvdata08_1132720564
>  - *NULL* 4 0 unknown unknown 0 0 *NULL*
>  1832 100 3 50 487888 1 0 0 -1 /E/ 16832 root root 0 1132720535 1132720535
>  1132720535
>  1915 100 3 50 680516 1 0 0 -1 /F/ 16832 root root 0 1132720541 1132720541
>  1132720541
>  1920 100 3 50 9063458 1 0 0 -1 /H/ 16832 root root 0 1132720647 1132720647
>  1132720647
>  1924 184 3 50 566640705 1 0 0 -1 /C/ 16832 root root 0 1132725664
>  1132725664 1132725664
>  If I was to get a full listing I need to add the -RL 999 option to the
>  command line I then get a full listing of all files backed up.
>  >bpflist -RL 999 -policy irv_nbu -client irvdata08 -backupid
>  irvdata08_1132720564 -d 11/22/2005 20:36:04 -e 11/22/2005 22:01:50
>  From everything I've found posted on the BPFList command it would appear
>  that no one else has needed to add the option.  So what is different in
>  all of my environments compared to yours?
>  Any ideas why I need this option and most others do not seem to need it,?
>  Support said they dunno why, so they closed it as I have a work around.
>  I'm a bit uncomfortable as the support person said this command was for
>  flash backups hence the F in the command name.
>  Thanks
>  John
Veritas-bu maillist  -  Veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu

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