Back in the NBU 4.x I tried using Data Global Manager and I can't
remember why but it didn't do what I had hoped it would do.  I have a
couple of ex-wives that fall into that category.  At least with GDM I
was able to uninstall and move on.  It's hard to move on with only half
of your files.  But I digress . . . 


What's the best utility, Symantec or otherwise, to administer (not just
monitor) my installation here in Houston, my site in Alaska, another
Data Center in New Hampshire and the server in that little Strip Club on
5th and Main . . . which I installed strictly as a tax right off . . .
it just requires constant maintenance . . . late at night.


Anyhoo . . . Anyone have any recommendations?


Thanks in advance for your response,


Veritas-bu maillist  -

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