Has anyone else noticed yet that you can no longer move media ownership
between Masters running NetBackup 6 ? So much for our typical site decom

Trying it gets you a -1 exit status (invalid error number), and the bptm
log will show the following:

13:19:02.685 [1240.4812] <4> get_mediaDB_byid: (-) Translating
EMM_ERROR_Success(0) to 0 in the Media context
13:19:02.763 [1240.4812] <16> change_server: (-) Translating
EMM_ERROR_MachineNotExist(2000000) to 220 in the NetBackup context
13:19:02.763 [1240.4812] <16> change_server: unable to change the
Assigned Host Name from alpha to beta
13:19:02.763 [1240.4812] <4> DeleteConnectionID: (-) Cleared Connection
ID 0
13:19:02.763 [1240.4812] <4> emmlib_uninitialize: (0) Successfully
released EMM session and database objects
13:19:02.763 [1240.4812] <2> bptm: EXITING with status -1 <----------

Anyone have any creative ideas for getting around this problem ? 

Just thought I'd check.
- John

Veritas-bu maillist  -  Veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu

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