I don't know if anyone saw/got the first post with the Perl script, but
there were two minor bugs which are fixed with this attachment. 


Patrick Whelan
NetBackup Specialist
Wholesale Markets and Treasury & Trading
Lloyds Banking Group
Desk: +44 (0) 207 158 6123
Loc: OBS 2C-132
P please don't print this e-mail unless you really need to.

-----Original Message-----
From: veritas-bu-boun...@mailman.eng.auburn.edu
[mailto:veritas-bu-boun...@mailman.eng.auburn.edu] On Behalf Of Whelan,
Sent: 30 July 2010 13:17
Subject: Re: [Veritas-bu] command to figure out size of all backups
inagiven period

Thank you Harpreet.

For those who may want to use Perl so that it might work on Windows (not
tested) I am attaching a Perl version. 

If anyone gets it to work on Windows could you let me know, and what you
did to get it fixed, please.


Patrick Whelan
NetBackup Specialist
Wholesale Markets and Treasury & Trading Lloyds Banking Group
Desk: +44 (0) 207 158 6123
Loc: OBS 2C-132
P please don't print this e-mail unless you really need to.

-----Original Message-----
From: veritas-bu-boun...@mailman.eng.auburn.edu
[mailto:veritas-bu-boun...@mailman.eng.auburn.edu] On Behalf Of Harpreet
Sent: 29 July 2010 00:56
Subject: Re: [Veritas-bu] command to figure out size of all backups in
agiven period

Dear All,

Please find attached the requested script.

(See attached file: Net_Backup_Total_Report.sh)

With Warm Regards
Harpreet Singh Chana

Phone  :     (O) 6895 - 4326
Fax       :     (O) 6895 - 4991
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             >                         VERITAS-BU@MAILMAN.ENG.AUBURN.EDU

             Sent by:

             urn.edu                   [Veritas-bu] command to figure
                                       size of all backups in a given   

             07/28/2010 07:33





             Please respond to





Hi Harpreet,

Can we have the script pasted here.....

|This was sent by qureshiu...@rediffmail.com via Backup Central.
|Forward SPAM to ab...@backupcentral.com.

Veritas-bu maillist  -  Veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu

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$hours = 24;

if ( $#ARGV >= 0 )
    $hours = $ARGV[0];

$subject = "Subject: Net_Backup_Total_Report: ${hours}hr Backup Totals";
$to = "your_na...@your_place.com";
$from = $to;

use File::Basename;
$basename = basename($0);

$operating_system = $^O;
if ( grep /win/i, $operating_system )
        $OUTFILE  = "C:\\temp\\$basename.$$.out";
        $TMPFILE1 = "C:\\temp\\$basename.$$.tmp1";
        $TMPFILE2 = "C:\\temp\\$basename.$$.tmp2";
        $LOGFILE  = "C:\\temp\\$basename.errlog";
        $NBU_ADMIN = "J:\\Program Files\\VERITAS\\NetBackup\\bin\\admincmd\\";
        $blat = "C:\\where_ever_you_have_blat\\blat.exe";

        $OUTFILE  = "/var/tmp/$basename.$$.out";
        $TMPFILE1 = "/var/tmp/$basename.$$.tmp1";
        $TMPFILE2 = "/var/tmp/$basename.$$.tmp2";
        $LOGFILE  = "/var/tmp/$basename.errlog";
        $NBU_ADMIN = "/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/";

@outfile = ();
$date = scalar localtime();
push(@outfile, "## Report Start: $date for past $hours hours.\n");

@bpimagelist = `${NBU_ADMIN}bpimagelist -hoursago $hours`;
@bpimagelist = grep /IMAGE/, @bpimagelist;

push(@outfile, "## General Statistics\n");

$sum = 0;
$nj = 0;
$client_length = 0;
$policy_legnth = 0;

foreach $line (@bpimagelist)
        chomp $line;
        ($IMAGE, $client_name, $date1, $date2, $version, $backupid, 
$policy_name, $client_type, $proxy_client, $creator, $sched_label, $sched_type, 
$retention, $backup_time, $elapsed, $expiration, $compression, $encryption, 
$kbytes, $num_files, $copies, $num_fragments, $files_compressed, $files_file, 
$version, $name1, $options, $primary, $image_type, $tir_info, $tir_expiration, 
$keywords, $mpx, $ext_security, $raw, $dump_lvl, $fs_only, $prev_BItime, 
$BIfull_time, $obj_desc,$requestID, $backup_stat, $backup_copy, $prev_image, 
$jobid, $num_resumes, $resume_expr, $ff_size, $pfi_type, $image_attrib, 
@therest) = split /\s+/, $line;

        $sum += $kbytes;
        $client_length = length $client > $client_length ?  length $client : 
        $policy_length = length $policy_name > $policy_length ?  length 
$policy_name : $policy_length;


$sum = $sum / 1024;

push(@outfile, sprintf "\tTotal Backup Jobs: %d\n", $nj);
if ( $sum < 1024 ) { push(@outfile, sprintf "\tTotal Volume: %.1f GB\n", 
$sum/1024 ) }
else {push(@outfile, sprintf "\tTotal Volume: %.2f TB\n",$sum/1024/1024 ) }

push(@outfile, "## Backup totals by client\n" );

@bpplclients = `${NBU_ADMIN}bpplclients -allunique -noheader`;

%policy_total = ();
%policy_jobs = ();

foreach $client_line (sort @bpplclients)
        %client_total_by_policy = ();
        %client_jobs_by_policy = ();
        $sum = 0;
        $nj = 0;

        chomp $client_line;
        ($HW, $OS, $client ) = split /\s+/, $client_line;
        @clients = grep /$client/, @bpimagelist;
        $client_sum = 0;
        $client_nj = 0;
        foreach $line (@clients)
                chomp $line;
                ($IMAGE, $client_name, $date1, $date2, $version, $backupid, 
$policy_name, $client_type, $proxy_client, $creator, $sched_label, $sched_type, 
$retention, $backup_time, $elapsed, $expiration, $compression, $encryption, 
$kbytes, $num_files, $copies, $num_fragments, $files_compressed, $files_file, 
$version, $name1, $options, $primary, $image_type, $tir_info, $tir_expiration, 
$keywords, $mpx, $ext_security, $raw, $dump_lvl, $fs_only, $prev_BItime, 
$BIfull_time, $obj_desc,$requestID, $backup_stat, $backup_copy, $prev_image, 
$jobid, $num_resumes, $resume_expr, $ff_size, $pfi_type, $image_attrib, 
@therest) = split /\s+/, $line;
                $sum += $kbytes;
          $client_total_by_policy{$policy_name} += $kbytes;
          $policy_total{$policy_name} += $kbytes;
        if ($sum == 0) {push(@outfile, sprintf "\n%s = null\n", $client) }
                if ($sum < 1024) { push(@outfile, sprintf "\n%s = %.1f 
KB\n",$client, $sum) }
                        if ($sum < 1048576) { push(@outfile, sprintf "\n%s = 
%.1f MB\n",$client, $sum/1024) }
                        else { push(@outfile, sprintf "\n%s = %.1f 
GB\n",$client, $sum/1024/1024) }

        foreach $policy (sort keys %client_total_by_policy)
                $sum = $client_total_by_policy{$policy};
                $nj = $client_jobs_by_policy{$policy};

                if ($sum < 1024) { push(@outfile, sprintf 
"\t:%${policy_length}s %6.1f KB (%d jobs)\n",$policy, $sum, $nj) }
                else {
                                 if ( $sum < 1048576) { push(@outfile, sprintf 
"\t:%${policy_length}s %6.1f MB (%d jobs)\n",$policy, $sum/1024, $nj) }
                                 else { push(@outfile, sprintf 
"\t:%${policy_length}s %6.1f GB (%d jobs)\n",$policy, $sum/1024/1024, $nj) }

push(@outfile,  "\n## Backup totals by policy\n");
foreach $policy (sort keys %policy_total)
        chomp $policy;
        $sum = $policy_total{$policy};
        $nj = $policy_jobs{$policy};
        if ($sum < 1024) { push(@total, sprintf "\t:%${policy_length}s %6.1f KB 
(%d jobs)\n",$policy, $sum, $nj) }
        else {
                         if ( $sum < 1048576) { push(@total, sprintf 
"\t:%${policy_length}s %6.1f MB (%d jobs)\n",$policy, $sum/1024, $nj) }
                         else { push(@total, sprintf "\t:%${policy_length}s 
%6.1f GB (%d jobs)\n",$policy, $sum/1024/1024, $nj) }

push(@outfile, @total);

push(@outfile,  "## Report Complete\n" );
#push(@outfile,  "## Report Generated by \"$0\"." );

push(@mail, "From: <$from>\n");
push(@mail, "To: <$to>\n");
push(@mail, "$subject\n");
push(@mail, @outfile);
push(@mail, ".\n");

if ( grep /win/i, $operating_system )
        open SENDMAIL, "|$blat -subject \$subject\" -to $to"  or die "Couldn't 
open for for sendmail: $!\n";
        open SENDMAIL, "|/usr/lib/sendmail -t"  or die "Couldn't open for for 
sendmail: $!\n";
print SENDMAIL @mail;
close (SENDMAIL) or warn "sendmail didn't close nicely";

if ( -f $OUTFILE )  { unlink $OUTFILE};
if ( -f $TMPFILE1 ) { unlink $TMPFILE1};
if ( -f $TMPFILE2 ) { unlink $TMPFILE2};


Veritas-bu maillist  -  Veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu

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