Hello all!




Thank you, colleagues, for your  suggestions. I have done  the upgrade of SF HA 
5.1 to RP2P2 HF3  as well as Solaris Update 9 to Update 10 last Sunday on

four domains with more than 40 zones in total. This is was not  quite simple 
but it is possible .  I can give you my  option of doing it but first of all 
just a few notes...


I.                        No  Solaris Live Upgrade.



1.        Local zone root on shared storage on veritas volume (vxfs)


How to upgrade? Zone must be in installed or running state to  get  upgraded. 
But installrp cannot run if it "sees" mounted veritas volume.



2.       Local root is on zfs. Local Zone root on shared storage variant using  
VXFS as its local file .  ZFS is under DMP control (dmp native support is on)


Yes, this is not difficult to upgrade SFHA only. There are no  many patches in 
the bundle. But if you must upgrade Solaris version? But if you have 16 local 
zones for example? 

 it takes time to upgrade  them all.  Sure , you can perform the upgrade 
process in parallel (/etc/patch/pdo.conf num_proc =16). But if you get any 
problem with  new patches (getting some new bugs)  or if you get any error 
during upgrade (and this is quite possible) you won't be able to  roll back 
quickly.  This is because you must upgrade all nodes of your cluster after 
upgrading local zones on one node.




1.       There is no phase upgrade in that case.  This can be  unsafe.

2.       Installrp does not work if it sees dmp native support switched on. 
(with 5.1. SP1 RP1/RP2)

3.       It can take much time  if you have many zones and many patches. 

4.        If you have   six nodes in cluster you    must switch all of your 
tasks to a single node. This is not always possible because of lack of 
resources (cpu, memory etc)



      3.  Zone root on local storage using VXFS


           If you have six nodes you must have 6 downtimes! This is unreal 
plan!  This is not suitable. 

              plus          1-2-3-4   from above.





          The only practical way to upgrade the cluster is to use Solaris Live 
Upgrade. To be continued in part II..



     Regards, Pavel.




From: Anish Vaidya [mailto:anish_vai...@symantec.com] 
Sent: Saturday, March 31, 2012 3:10 AM
To: Anish Vaidya; Цветков Павел Анатольевич; Venkata Reddy Chappavarapu; 
mamatec...@mamatec.com <mailto:mamatec...@mamatec.com> 
Cc: veritas-ha@mailman.eng.auburn.edu 
Subject: RE: [Veritas-ha] upgrade VCS 5.1 with many zones




We strongly encourage using CPI installer for upgrading the stack in an SFHA 
cluster involving zones. Anyway, if you want to know the manual procedure, here 
is the high level procedure.


1.       Zone root on shared storage using VXFS

You need to patch the zone only once. 

a.       Move all service groups containing Zone resource to one system 

b.      Bring down all the APP resources on top of the Zone. Keep the Zone 

c.       Stop VCS (hastop -local -force). Upgrade the SFHA packages. At this 
time, SFHA packages are upgraded in the global and local zones. You may have to 
reboot this node as the VXFS driver loaded in kernel is still of the lower 

d.      Upgrade the other node in the cluster after stopping VCS (using "hastop 
-local -force"). Upgrade the SFHA packages. Please note, no zone is 
installed/running on this node.

e.      Start VCS on 2nd node. Bring up the relevant Zone service groups.

2.       Zone root on local storage using VXFS

You need to perform the procedure similar to 1a, 1b and 1c on all nodes in the 
cluster. This is because, each individual zone needs to be patched on all nodes 
in the cluster.


Hope this helps.






Veritas-ha maillist  -  Veritas-ha@mailman.eng.auburn.edu

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