It means that something inside the folder has changed. If you expand a folder with an orange dot completely, you'll find that some SVN- related change (added/deleted/modified file/directory/property) is lurking within. It's just a visual hint. Switch from All to Changed view, and you'll see that in the latter, all directories (if any display) have the orange dot.

 - Quinn

On Apr 29, 2009, at 12:01 PM, PeterFig wrote:


I searched the Versions Docs but could not find anything to decipher
what all the icons and symbols mean. I'm 'lightly' familiar with
Subversion so I was able to figure out most ... but the one I could
not is what a folder with an yellow/orange dot on it means. I have a
project that has some regular blue folders and a few blue with the
orange dot. Does anyone know the difference?

Here is a quick screenshot of it:


Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

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