n g wrote:

> I have a few questions regarding the use of Veusz and some feature
> requests.
> 1) Is it possible to put date or time entries on axes formatted as
> 11:13:17, 17:13, or 05:13 am
> Currently, I have converted these time stamps in my original data file
> using
> Excel to minutes then exported to .csv and imported into Veusz.  It works
> ok.  But I would prefer to have a second x axis with time formats along
> with
> a linked axis of 0 - XX min.  This is important for me because in my case
> the times refer to certain control events where time-of-day is important.

To a limited extent. This isn't documented yet, but you can do

%VDH:%VDM:%VDS as the format in the ticklabel formatting section of the axis
(for hours, minutes and seconds). %VD means date (or time) formatting, and
it is followed by one of the date formatting codes in

This isn't perfect, and the axis is too stupid to realise that time is being
plotted and it should use base 60 axis ticks and so on. The formatting
assumes the time is in seconds since 1st January 1970 (actually I haven't
checked this on Windows).

I'm planning to have much better date-time handling soon in Veusz. What is
the best way to store a date-time value as a number? Do we need higher
precision than a second?

> 2) Would it be possible to add arbitrary lines with the mouse to an
> existing curve (for example a tangent at some point) and report the slope
> and y-intercept of the lines wrt to a x and y axes. This functionality
> would
> allow basic analysis of the trends in the data.  Similarly, the
> intersection of the added lines or the added line and an existing curve
> would be very valuable in certain data analysis scenarios.

That's a nice idea - I have to think how to do that - maybe as a separate
pointer mode. It would also be nice to log clicked values.

> 3) Finally, are there any plans to display the data in real-time either
> from
> an updating file or network socket.  I understand this may be a bit
> divergent from the goal of creating pub ready plots.  However, that goal
> is already achieved and Veusz has the cleanest handling of curves, axes,
> and I believe it has the potential of having many converts with these
> additions.

If you'd think that would be useful I can look at doing that. Do you have
experience of this sort of data capture? How are the numbers formatted
usually - plain text, csv? Do date stamps also need to be captured?

> I am a hobby programmer as well.  With a bit help I can work on some of
> these features.  I cannot say that I am knowledgeable enough in Python,
> PyQT, etc.  Please let me know what you guys think about these suggestions
> and questions.

Thanks for writing. Firstly I'm currently working on importing text and
dates and times into Veusz (maybe advice for date-time formats would be
good, but perhaps Excel would be a good model to follow).

Which of these features are you interested in most?


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