Hi, just wondering if it is possible to format individual words or parts 
of text as part of axis labels?  I am working only in the GUI at this 
point and I only see the option to change font or italics on the entire 

e.g., I would like to use superscripts in units like g mL -1

or write Rhizobium tropici in italics.

Thanks so much, and no biggie if not, I can add them later after export.

btw this program is absolutely incredible!  you (all, whoever) are on my 
list of "web jedis"!

My sigmaplot install from my old lab is running out and this gives me 
everything I need w/o a ridiculously overpriced program...

I especially like how the formatting of datasets on graphs is structured 
as panes so that you can change a large number of datasets quickly, 
without clicking down through so many layers like in Sigmaplot.  Genius.


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