On 26/03/12 14:44, Simon Kleinknecht wrote:
Hi everybody,

I had to include an equation into an graph and I realized that by simply
typing the latex code. Unfortunately that doesn't look very nice and
rather unprofessional as it mixes standard letters with the math
environment. I did a workaround by printing the texed equation and
including it as an image but I am not satisfied with that either.

The latex-like interpreter is mainly intended for simple things like superscripts in units, or subscripts in variables, etc. Any improvements to the interpreter would be welcomed, however.

I can't see an easy way of getting full latex. You could use an installed latex system to do any conversion, but that would add a big dependency for the general case, so it would have to be optional. I'd also need to do some sort of vector translation of the latex output, unless we just use bitmaps, which might require ghostscript or something like that.

There is an existing Qt mathml widget I could add, but this doesn't do latex. Does anyone know of a small, free, C/C++/Python latex to mathml converter?


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