Well according to Amanda about her surgery Friday, "It went well, Eh, I'm
really sleepy and a little nauseous. Sore as all Get out but good. They got
everything out and it looks clear I think. I have another appointment to go
over the lab results in a couple of weeks. I had one incision in my belly
button, another lower and they went in where I had the appendix surgery long
ago.". Those are quotes from text messages from her over the last 3 days.

Her mom and I are finally breathing normal, (have been holding our breath
off and on since thanksgiving), because she said that apparently she is
cancer free now. However, we still have to wait for the labs and then we
have a couple more questions for her.

I have 2 days at the VA this week for my surgical procedures so Theresa and
I will hold back anything we can after that so we can try to keep a reserve
ready in case we have to make a flying trip down to see her.

Theresa and myself, on behalf of Amanda and ourselves want to thank everyone
for the prayers for her. God has worked through experienced hands and the
initial prognosis at this time is good.

We will endeavor to keep everyone posted on her progress, and again, thank
you everyone for your prayers and other help through this time.

Jimi, Theresa and in Abstentia, Amanda

“Before a standing army can rule, the people must be disarmed; as they are
in almost every kingdom of Europe. The supreme power in America cannot
enforce unjust laws by the sword; because the whole body of the people are
armed, and constitute a force superior to any band of regular troops that
can be, on any pretence, raised in the United States.”

Noah Webster

"The instruments, by which [government] must act, are either the AUTHORITY
of the Laws or FORCE. If the first be destroyed, the last must be
substituted; ... and where this becomes the ordinary instrument of
government, there is an end to LIBERTY." --Alexander Hamilton

RWVA Instructor, www.appleseedinfo.org go here and learn what you must do to
be a
true patriot, not the shooting only, but the history lesson you will learn
about "WHY" you have the "Freedom" that you do enjoy now.


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