Found this nice article I would like to share . . .


Learn More About Tying Flies At:

My name is Emmett Gregg, and I am a professional fly fishing
instructor, and author of The Complete Illustrated Guide: How To Tie
Flies. I come from a family of fly fishermen(my grandfather, my father
etc.), and my grandfather was a master of the art of tying flies.
Naturally, his secret techniques on how to tie flies were passed down
to my father, and then to me. His secrets were never revealed until
now, since I have published The Complete Illustrated Guide: How To Tie
Flies. Here are some things to consider about tying your own flies for
fly fishing.

Concerning fly fishing, it is naturally all about the flies, and tying
flies can be a tricky, tedious thing to do if you choose to try it. In
regards to tying, it is important that you have a still hand and a
fairly good idea what the trout will be attracted to, so they will
bite more often. Naturally, you will need to research these things and
trial and error would also have to be used. However, if you know what
the main diet of a trout, then you will have a great idea of what you
will need when figuring out how to tie flies to catch a fair amount of

Learning how to tie flies is generally thought of as the definitive
test when it comes to fly fishing. Sure, you could go out and buy a
good spinner or spoon to add to your collection. This would of course
cost a bit of money. Then again, you could also take the extra step
and tie your own flies. Contrary to what you may think, it does not
take that long to learn how to tie flies and attract trout
effectively. The important and obvious thing to remember is, if the
fly does not look right, chances are the trout will not bite. This is
why knowing how to tie flies is pertinent – the process cannot be
rushed and no corners can be cut.

No one has claimed that tying flies is the easiest thing in the world.
But, it is not as hard as most people claim it to be. A lot of people
are even scared to begin learning how to tie flies, because some
people they know may take hours to complete one fly. This turns a lot
of people off, so they simply rely on the pros to sell their flies to
them, or go to their local sporting goods store and take their chances
on the quality of flies sold there. The expenses incurred here –
whether you purchase from a pro or a sporting goods shop – are
actually unnecessary.

Once you learn how to tie flies easily, quickly, and effectively, you
will undoubtedly save a lot of money.

Your only upfront expense will be in purchasing the necessary tooling
for tying flies. Once you get the hang of it, which will not take
long, you will then have the ability to tie a lot of flies in a
relatively short period of time, and save a whole lot of money in the
process. Sure, if you have no guidance or don't have someone teaching
you how to tie flies, then the task will be tedious and frustrating.
However, if this is something you truly would like to do, then with
the proper guidance and practice, you could master the art of how to
tie flies faster than you may think it is possible.

My name is Emmett Gregg, and I am a professional fly fishing
instructor, and author of The Complete Illustrated Guide: How To Tie
Flies. I come from a family of fly fishermen(my grandfather, my father
etc.), and my grandfather was a master of the art of tying flies.
Naturally, his secret techniques on how to tie flies were passed down
to my father, and then to me. His secrets were never revealed until
now, since I have published The Complete Illustrated Guide: How To Tie
Flies. Here are some things to consider about tying your own flies for
fly fishing.

Learn More About Tying Flies At:

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