We are currently using a Hauppauge ImpactVCB card for display & capture
in our next generation Pencil Tester. Using the 6.4 bttv drivers for
Linux, I'm seeing 4-5 black pixels at either end of the scanline on both
a displayed and captured image. The desire is to display and capture a
640x480 image. It appears that image scaling is off since we do get 640
pixels horizontally, yet it looks as if it encompasses some of the
blanking interval. I tried the card in an NT box with the Hauppauge
supplied drivers for NT and there are no extra black pixels on capture.
I emphasize the "capture" portion as I don't believe this to be a
graphics card issue which I know has caused  some headaches for others.
 The question then is, has this been observed before? Is there a fix?
Are there any utilities available that would allow us to poke at the
registers on the Conexant chip? The guys at Hauppauge haven't played
with Linux enough to help out. Any offerings would be greatly

Rick Rubio
Dreamworks SKG

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