Amanda Congdon wrote:

> Wow. That's all I can say.
I read it yesterday.  The last addition Andrew added is a zinger!  Way
to stick it to Rosenblum.  People like him are basically snake oil
salesmen in my mind.  The part that's so upsetting about being on the
forefront of a movement is how binary people are.  This will replace
that, this is better than that, when I'm so much more likely to see the
grey than the black and the white.  The VJ model is excellent, but
there's no reason to replace all your two-man crews with one-man crews. 
There's no reason the VJ concept can't be adapted to a man crew concept
but with a cheaper production model.  I just don't see the revolution in
what he's doing.  So he's reduced the equipment cost from millions to
thousands?  Big deal.  I can fit the computing power it took to take us
to the moon in a wristwatch.  Making things smaller and cheaper is
inevitable, and he's selling it like he's revolutionizing publishing,
when in reality the revolution in publishing is not the fact that anyone
can create cheaply, because frankly it's always been decently affordable
to create (although cheaper is better), but the lock has always been in
distribution.  It was cost prohibitive to get your art and your content
to people who would want to see and people who would pay to see it. 
Andrew, you're spot on, but I probably don't need to tell you that
because you already know I usually agree with you.


Clint Sharp
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