Well, this seems pretty good news for those us concerned with Network
Republican (and FCC Chairman) Ken Martin sided with the two democratic
commissioners to issue a warning to Comcast for blocking bit torrent
traffic, then not owning up to their actions when confronted by

Why is this important?
In the US, the three biggest broadband providers (Comcast, Time/Warner,
Verizon) are also content providers. They are building a vertical monopoly
potentially able to block any competitors trying to use their network. The
FCC rightly agrees that customers should have access to anything they want
over broadband networks. Rules on access still need to be worked out. This
is just the first (so far positive) step.



"In a precedent-setting move, the FCC by a 3-2 vote on Friday enforced a
policy that guarantees customers open access to the Internet."

"While the FCC action did not include a fine, it does require Comcast within
30 days of release of the order to disclose the details of its
"discriminatory network management"; submit a compliance plan describing how
it intends to stop these practices by the end of the year; and disclose to
customers and the commission its new plan.

Martin said Comcast managers were not "simply managing their network, they
had arbitrarily picked an application and blocked their subscribers' access
to it."

The agency said that Comcast had a motive to interfere. Peer-to-peer
applications are used to load video that "poses a potential competitive
threat to Comcast's video-on-demand service," it said.

Martin was particularly critical of the company's failure to disclose to
customers exactly how it was managing its traffic.

The FCC's action means network operators are subject to the FCC's
enforcement process and the agency will act on consumer complaints.

*The FCC action arose when bloggers reported that Comcast customers who used
file-sharing software like BitTorrent were noticing their transmissions were
aborting prematurely.*"

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