On Sun, 17 Jul 2005 23:06:10 +0200, R. Kristiansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

> We need guides, manuals and how-tos covering fields within
> videoblogging. Just like we have freevlog.org (which continues to get
> praise, and I say it again: THANK YOU Michael Verdi and Ryanne Hodson
> for this great site), we need similar sites covering aspects of
> vlogging, or a central portal where people can go to get links to
> manuals. As of today, the closest I can think of is videoblogging.info
> which has an articles section. Maybe we should expand on that?

I just want to point out that videoblogging.info is a community website. 
If you want something posted send it over. We put up almost anything. 
There are editors to polish language and format stuff, but that's it.

- Andreas
Commentary on media, communication, culture and technology.


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