I've had vlogs with over 600 views and no comments.
However, tonight I got a notice from Blip TV that someone had posted a comment on one of my vlogs.
This is such a fabulous advance (or continuation) or service from blip.
I've posted comments on vlogs and never heard from them again.  Then I have gone back and discovered the person who did the vlog answered my question.  I('m thinking of the disable person who told me he had MS.)  I was so delighted to see others took the trouble to go there and leave feedback.  I was amazed to see Blip had his vlog as the most popular of the day.
I must say that I am becoming a real fan of Blip TV.  They seem to really have a concept of what we are all about.  I've met some of those involved at Node 101 and was also impressed.
That doesn't mean I'm not going to stop asking hard questions..like how do they determine the "most watched vlogs"?  What time does the cycle begin and when does it end?
No criticism here.  But if they begin at midnight and end at midnight and you post some fabulous vlog at ten p.m., you really just aren't in the running.Those interested in "statistics" and who feel vlogging is a type of show business competition want to know the answers to these questions.
I'm just happy that there really are people genuinely interested in this new form of communication.I'm happy that they are working to improve the techniques and aggregators and directories and whatever that are going to enable this real movement of passionate people to get "on stage" on the Internet and have a chance to tell their story.
Randolfe (Randy) Wicker
Videographer, Writer, Activist
Advisor: The Immortality Institute
Hoboken, NJ

Individual Fireant Typepad


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