Amazing camera, indeed. Low light performance beats any camcorder up
to $75k. I hope Canon adds 24P in the firmware update. For $2700, this
camera is a steal. If you see the video it shoots, you'll be hooked
for life.. :) The mono on-board mike is a minus too, but not major
one. I'm seriously considering one, I hear there's a year wait
though... :)


--- In, "Scott Parent"
> Any have a chance to use this camera yet? I have been seeing the
video this
> produces and I'm blown away. I currently shoot with a Canon XH-A1
and I'm
> seriously considering getting the 5D Mark II because of the quality
of the
> footage.
> Anyone played with one? Thoughts?
> -Scott
> -- 
> -------------------------------------------
> American Cliche
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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