--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Jay dedman <jay.ded...@...> wrote:
> Just so we could have a discussion about it...why are you choosing to
> host all your own files?
> Why not depend on a free hosting service like Vimeo, blip, or Youtube?
> Is it because youve started a service and want people to upload videos
> directly to your site?
Joining the discussion, I am hosting all my own files (on DreamHost) for the 
following reasons.
--There is no or little lag before the download starts.  
--I can choosse my own player.  In my case I use a player from FlixPro.
--I get no interference or overlays from ads or other videos that the host 
wishes to insert.
--At the end of the video, the picture just stops on the last frame.  No 
choices about sharing, other videsos, etc.
--A MAJOR advantage, really big for me, is that if a viewer stops the video in 
order to go on to another one, with vPIP the download stops.  Absolutely stops 
and does not intefere with the next video download.  This is important for me 
because I will usually have several videos on a page separated only with text. 
I expect that the viewer might jump around. 
--Once you make the move and host the software on your own server, there is no 
cost penalty for also hosting the video files.  DreamHost, at least, does not 
charge extra for bandwidth or storage.  So far I have not had any issues with 
them on usage.  It can, like any other service, go down from time to time, but 
I find it very smooth.  
--Once you host your video on your own site, the viewer does not inadvertently 
leave it.  You have control.  No ads, no promos for other "shows", etc.  

There are probably reasons, but these should add to the discussion.  

I want to point out, though, that I make rich media websites, essentially 
hyperlinked documentaries about a particular subject.  Lots of text, links, 
videos, menu choices all for the viewer to select. 

You can see what I mean on http://PinePlainsViews.com and 

I want to acknowledge, though, that when I started out I used  blip.tv, vimeo, 
and I still use YouTube for separate videos that are not part of a website.

Stan Hirson

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